Friday, April 3, 2015


Obama's Deal with the Devil
Yesterday, Obama announced to the nation that a "historic understanding" had been reached with Iran that would prevent them from obtaining nuclear weapons, while getting relief from international sanctions.

"If this framework leads to the final deal, it would make our country, allies and the world safer," Obama said, speaking at the White House.

This couldn't be further than the truth and Obama has made a deal with the devil. Iran has not shown any goodwill toward Israel or other nations, and instead continues to support terrorist acts around the world. Iran's brutal actions undercut its promise to negotiate, and completely undermine the idea that Iran can somehow join the community of nations under its current leadership, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

A key piece of information not revealed in the agreement is how Iran will explain evidence uncovered by U.N. inspectors that it worked toward developing nuclear weapons in the past, something it has consistently denied. This evidence played a key part in U.N. sanctions, but the agreement does not say whether the sanctions would be lifted before Iran addresses the issue.

The White House description doesn't clearly address whether Iran's military sites would be included in inspections, something the Iranian government has flatly ruled out. "If there's a covert program" at those sites, "the (U.N. inspectors) won't be able to inspect them," said Michael Rubin, an analyst at the American Enterprise Institute.

This is a bad deal, a deal with the devil and we're better off without it.
Hillary Weighs in on Religious Freedom Debate
Hillary Clinton has decided to weigh in on the religious freedom debate.

She urged the Governor of Arkansas to veto its version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act because it “would permit unfair discrimination” against gay Americans.

Just like in Indiana and dozens of states throughout the country, Arkansas' bill is based off of the federal act, which was signed into law by her own husband Bill Clinton!

I wonder if anyone in the liberal mainstream media will bother askingHillary if Bill's federal religious freedom act was also discriminatory against gays.

I'm not holding my breath.

Source:  USAToday

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