Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Obama's Legacy
The courts dealt another blow to Barack Obama's unilateral amnesty plan. This is just one of the many issues now plaguing Obama's legacy as his presidency winds down.

Barack Obama has discovered a love for unilateral executive actions as president. While his defenders will claim that he is not abusing this power, the facts simply aren't on their side. According to an analysis by Breitbart, the number of executive orders and memoranda issued by Obama dwarfs his predecessors and is the greatest since Harry Truman.

Significant memoranda signed by Obama include, “Developing a pilot program to implement a new retirement savings account for low-income workers, instructing the Department of Education to permit various borrowers to top their student loan payments at 10% of income, forcing federal law enforcement agencies to track any firearm involved in a federal investigation, and allowing more availability of relevant executive branch records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.” (Breitbart)

But none have been as controversial as his actions related to immigration and amnesty. Obama unilaterally tried to extend amnesty programs for “Dreamers” and their parents. This would have shielded as many as 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation.

Over half of the states, led by Texas, sued claiming that Obama had overstepped his constitutional authority.

The courts agree. What happened this week is that a federal appeals court held a lower court ruling that Obama's unilateral actions are indeed unconstitutional. In other words, his plans for unilateral amnesty remain on hold.

The issue will likely end up in the Supreme Court. And this won't be the only big issue to be decided by the court. As the Washington Post points out, Obama's legacy is increasingly in legal jeopardy: “Same-sex marriage. ObamaCare. Climate change. And now immigration. And in many cases, there is significant doubt about whether his signature initiatives will stand legal scrutiny.”

The New York Times is also already looking at Obama's post-presidency legacy. Perhaps this is because his presidency is likely to be filled with a litany of failures. From his unconstitutional actions to failed foreign policy and the inability to really kickstart the economy and create jobs, it's no wonder that liberals are already trying to look beyond his presidency.
Clinton Donors Weapons Deals
While Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, “the State Department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20 nations whose governments have given money to the Clinton Foundation,” according to an IBTimes analysis of State Department and foundation data.

Saudi Arabia, for example, was cleared to receive $29 billion worth of advanced fighter jets from Boeing. The sale at the time was controversial but suddenly pushed through by Clinton's State Department as a “top priority” for Clinton personally.

It turns out that Boeing has donated at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation and gave $900,000 just months before the Saudi contract was approved.

Money, power, corruption, influence … this is the Democrats' top candidate for president.

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