Monday, July 20, 2015


U.S. Sailor Dies in Chattanooga Terrorist Attack
Over the weekend, a U.S. sailor died from injuries sustained during the Chattanooga terrorist attack carried out by the deranged Islamist radical, Muhammad Youssuf Abdulazeez. The sailor is the fifth American service member to die in the attack, after four Marines died on Thursday.

Unfortunately, the loss of these five heroic lives has yet to compel our President to issue a proclamation to fly the White House flags at half-staff.

That’s right: The same President who lit up the entire White House with rainbow colors to celebrate the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, hasn’t found the time to honor these brave men. He did, however, find time to tour Central Park this weekend and eat at some of NYC’s finest restaurants.
Hours After Islamic Terror Attack in TN, Obama Praises Muslim Holiday
Yesterday, hours after four U.S. Marines were savagely murdered by a Muslim radical in Tennessee, the White House found it apropos to send a special tweet celebrating the end of the Islamic holiday of Ramadan.

The tweet, posted at 7:48 p.m. (just several hours after the attack) read, "From my family to yours, Eid Mubarak!" It also attached an official statement from the President where he says the Muslim holiday is a "reminder to every American of the importance of respecting those of all faiths and beliefs."

Now, with the recent reports suggesting there could be a connection between the end of Ramadan and the attack, it may not have been the best time for the White House to be celebrating the holiday.

The tweet yet again proves how out of touch this administration really is.

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