Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Et tu, Republicans? No Mention of "Islamic Terror" in New Counter Terror Bill
Last week, Congressional Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee passed the Countering Violent Extremism Act of 2015.

Judging by the title of the bill—and in light of the recent attack in Chattanooga—one would think this piece of legislation might include measures to curb or prevent the growing problem of radical Islam in America.

Unfortunately, that would be incorrect.

As Conservative Review reports , the bill “has nothing to do with combating homegrown Islamic terror” and “is a verbatim reflection of this Administration’s agenda to expunge any mention of Islam from the growing terror threat.”

Now, it’s bad enough that the Obama Administration refuses to acknowledge the real threat of radical Islam, but that can be expected. What’s really concerning is the Republican’s nuanced response to one of the greatest threats to the country.

Think this is bad? Consider what else Conservative Review unveiled about the bill:

“…this effort will likely enlist terrorist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood as wall as CAIR—the unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism trial in U.S. history, The Holy Land Foundation trial—in the effort to combat “extremism.”

This really makes you wonder, is anyone in power within our government going to acknowledge the threat of radical Islam?

Consider these startling statistics from another Conservative Review article:
“According to a new poll commissioned by the Center for Security Policy, 51% of Muslims in America believe ‘Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to sharia.’ Twenty-nine percent agree that violence against those who insult Mohammad is acceptable and 25% agree that violence against America can be justified as part of Global Jihad. Among males under the age of 45 that number rises to 36%. Twenty-nine percent of males under 45 believe that violence against America is justified in order to make Sharia the law of the land. With an estimated 3 million Muslims in this country (projected to triple by 2050), that could mean there are hundreds of thousands of radicalized ones.”

It is time that both Republicans and Democrats wake up and vow to defeat the growing threat within our own country and call it what it is: Radical Islam.
Trump Takes the Lead
As the race for President continues to heat up, I've told you that I plan to be the one-stop for all of your news and information. This election is gearing up to be the most important one yet and my goal is to inform you, the voter, and not sway you in one direction or the other.

With that said, the GOP nominee battle is really heating up. There are some candidates, like Former New York Governor George Pataki and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal who appear to be struggling to grab a foothold. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Former Texas Governor Rick Perry and Former Senator Rick Santorum and Carly Fiorina continue to struggle to gain momentum. There are some, like Ohio Governor John Kasich, who announced this week, that are finding a small but growing following.

As it stands now though, the race seems to be forming between Donald Trump, Jeb Bush and Scott Walker with Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson in pursuit.

The biggest surprise may be Donald Trump who, in May, had about 4% of the GOP support. Fast -forward to this week, Trump finds himself in the lead with 24% of the GOP support. Walker went from 11% to 13% in that same timeframe and Jeb Bush went from 10% to 12%. Huckabee, Rubio, Paul, Carson and Cruz all lost support. You can see a full breakdown from Langer Research.

To be clear, it's too early to tell who will prevail but it's clear that whoever wins will have the future of America in his or her hands.

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