Thursday, July 23, 2015


Sean's Advice to Donald Trump
Sean advised Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that he should "look at [his] negative numbers, and pick [his] fights."

Hannity said that he likes Trump, and many of the other candidates, and praised him for getting the country's attention on immigration and the treatment of veterans. Sean also described the "energy" Trump brought to the campaign as "awesome," "especially in the light of the weak, the timid, the pathetic Republican leadership in Washington."
LISTEN: Sean gives Trump advice for his campaign

Sean praised Trump for releasing Senator Sen. Lindsey Graham's personal cell phone number which was "hilarious," and added that Graham "deserved it."

Sean then shifted, and talked about what he would do if he was Trump's campaign manager, which he said was in response to comments he had read on Breitbart. He stated that Trump has the nation's attention, but pointed out that polls at this stage "don't mean a whole hell of a lot." Hannity pointed out that at this time in 2007, Rudy Giuliani was topping the polls and Fred Thompson was in second place, while Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich all led in the polls back in 2011. He continued that the first thing he would say to Trump is, "this is a marathon, it's not a sprint," and that he would remind Trump of the history of polling.

Hannity added, "He [Trump] needs to look at the negatives that he is drawing in," and cited a Quinnipiac poll that showed Trump either dead last, or second to last among presidential candidates in favorability versus unfavorability numbers in Colorado, Iowa, and Virginia.

For more on Sean's comments on Trump's campaign please continue reading at
ISIS Turns Varsity, Officially
It was January 27th, 2014 when President Obama now famously told The New Yorker in response to questions about ISIS, "The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant." Fast forward nearly eighteen months later to FBI Director James Comey testimony at a Senate Judiciary Committee that ISIS' power had proven greater than that of Al Qaeda.

I have spent a significant amount of time since August 19th, 2014, the day James Foley was brutally beheaded by ISIS forces, trying to convince the American people that ISIS is more than a junior varsity basketball team. Even CNN polling now shows that over 68% of Americans think ISIS is a threat to our security. They think that because they're right!

It took President Obama over a year to react to ISIS in any real way. That's not the leadership we need to move this country in the right direction and it's certainly something we need to consider on election day.

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