Friday, July 24, 2015


Planned Parenthood Scandal
On Wednesday, White House spokesman Josh Earnest denied claims that Planned Parenthood has illegally profited from harvesting fetal tissue and said, “They subscribe [to] and implement the highest ethical standards in carrying out their operations.”

His comments come after the second undercover video from the Center for Medical Progress was released earlier this week which shows a top Planned Parenthood doctor callously negotiating prices for baby parts and joking about wanting to buy herself a Lamborghini with the money they make.

Instead of raising legitimate concerns about Planned Parenthood, Josh Earnest decided to express his concerns with the way the videos were “selectively edited” and claims the video distorted Planned Parenthood’s position.

The Democrats won’t be able to ignore this story forever.
3 Million More Children Living in Poverty
The Washington Examiner reported this week that 3 million more children are living in poverty since President Obama took office in 2008.

According to the Examiner, the 2015 “Kids Count” report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation found that the percentage of children living in poverty jumped from 18 percent in 2008 to 22 percent in 2013.

Perhaps most shocking is the poverty rate for African American children which now stands at a staggering 39 percent.

For a president who once said Republicans want poor children to “fend for themselves,” it sure doesn’t seem like his policies are helping those in need.

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