Monday, July 27, 2015



The Great American Bank Robbery
Paul Sperry, investigative reporter and author of "The Great American Bank Robbery", which exposes the racial politics behind the mortgage bust and recession, joined Sean to discuss his recent article in the New York Post which outlines Obama's secret race database which will affect almost every aspect of our lives.

The housing, mortgage, health and education sectors will all become subject to--what Sperry calls--"a diversity police state where government race cops and civil rights lawyers will micromanage demographic outcomes in virtually every aspect of society."

To listen to Sean's entire interview with Paul Sperry, please click here.
Bowe Bergdahl found Suring California Pot Raid
Fox News has reported that Bowe Bergdahl-- the U.S. soldier charged with desertion for leaving his platoon in Afghanistan--wound up in the middle of a pot raid earlier in the week in Northern California.

The Captain of the local Sheriff's office told Fox News that, "the county's marijuana eradication team encountered Bergdahl on Tuesday while serving a search warrant on a home in Redwood City, California."

DOD confirmed that Bergdahl was on leave.

It must be nice that the man whose desertion led to the deaths of U.S. soldiers has been able to make the most of his time off by visiting a pot farm.

But then again, let's not forget that -according to Susan Rice-Bergdahl "served with honor and distinction."

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