Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter Trump on Why his Message Resonates with Voters While holding a press conference yesterday in Ethiopia, President Obama ripped the 2016 Republican presidential field and specifically called out the front-runner, Donald Trump: "When you look at what's happening with Mr. Trump, when he's made some of the remarks that, for example, challenged the heroism of Mr. McCain, the Republican Party is shocked. And yet that arises out of a culture where, you know, those kinds of outrageous attacks have become far too commonplace. The point is, we're creating a culture that is not conducive to good policy or good politics. The American people deserve better. Certainly, presidential debates deserve better." - President Obama Remember, Obama was the same guy that referred to Republicans as social Darwinists and said Republicans want dirty air and dirty water -- really? Donald Trump joined Sean with reaction to the president's comments. "Look, number one, he took my statement and cut it up, like everybody else," Trump responded. "But equally with the president, he's probably the worst president in the history of our country. He's a very divisive person, which is why he brings this kind of stuff up. And he should have devoted more time to working on a good nuclear deal with Iran instead of what he's doing because he has just been a disaster for our country," added Trump. To watch Sean's entire interview with Donald Trump, please click here. Obama's flight to Africa tops $5 million The Washington Times is reporting that President Obama's recent trip to Africa "cost taxpayers more than $5 million in flight time alone for Air Force One." The National Taxpayers Union calculated that Obama spent approximately 29 hours on Air Force one for the trip. They say that operating the president's plane costs $206,377 per flight hour which brings his total flight cost to $5.9 million. But the fun doesn't stop there. The Times says "the total cost of the trip will easily reach into tens of millions of dollars." What a great way to spend our tax dollars, Mr. President.

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