Thursday, July 30, 2015


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter Rand Paul hopes Planned Parenthood videos are a "wake-up call" Sean was joined by the man who is behind the push to defund Planned Parenthood in the U.S. Senate, author of "Taking a Stand," 2016 GOP presidential hopeful Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. “To imagine that doctors are using ultrasound to manipulate the body around, turn the body around to take body parts from a baby, it just -- it sickens me,” Paul told Sean. “And so I've been fighting to defund Planned Parenthood. I don't think they should get any taxpayer dollars. And we got good news today. We are going to get a vote on this. The Senate will vote on defunding Planned Parenthood before we leave in August,” he added. “People have to realize this has nothing to do with women's health. We have community health centers that provide all kinds of women's health. There's $5 billion being spent in community health centers. And everything that is done at Planned Parenthood is done in a community health center, except for abortion. There's no reason to have any federal money going to Planned Parenthood,” Paul continued. To watch Sean's interview with Sen. Rand Paul, please click here. Mainstream Media: One Lion More Important Than Thousands of Innocent Lives According to Newsbusters, “the broadcast news shows spent more time in one day on Cecil the Lion than they did on the [undercover] Planned Parenthood videos in two weeks.” In fact, the mainstream media is SO biased that they bowed to the PR firm Planned Parenthood had to hire to clean up its mess and did not spend one second covering the latest—and perhaps the most disturbing—video released by the Center for Medical Progress , after receiving a memo urging them not to cover the story. I wonder if late night host Jimmy Kimmel will watch the Center for Medical Progress undercover videos and cry over the mutilation of thousands of innocent human lives the way he cried over the death of one lion.

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