Monday, July 6, 2015


Debt Chaos
This morning we learned that Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis resigned his post after Greek voters overwhelming voted "no" and rejected demands by international creditors to impose additional austerity measures in exchange for a bailout package for its failing economy. Fear that cash will run out has led to a run on ATMs in Athens - many of which no longer have money to dispense. So what's next? Eurozone leaders have scheduled a meeting for tomorrow afternoon to discuss their next move, but a large number of ministers this morning stated the ball was now in Greece's court. The "no" vote has put Greece in unknown political and economic territory, with a potential exit from the Euro now more likely than ever.

Greece is obviously a much smaller country than the United States, but the problems with debt in Athens are very similar to the debt we face in this country. Greece, led by a left-wing Prime Minister, is unwilling to undertake the painful but necessary reforms in the forms of tax increases and spending cuts - including pensions. And who holds our debt? Communist China, who don't particularly like us.
Navy SEAL's Epic Remarks on Sean's Show
Last Thursday, former Navy SEAL, Jonathan Gilliam hosted Sean's radio show. He had an epic message for America.
It is neither free nor is it obligated to anyone.
Freedom is elusive, yet it has existed since the dawn of man.
People have fought for it, died to preserve it, yet many have declared war
to steal it from others.
Freedom is not free.
Service is the cornerstone of freedom.
Service is what keeps a country free, and its citizens motivated. Without
service, freedom cannot prevail...(continue reading)

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