Thursday, July 9, 2015


Reid Sounds JUST like Trump on Immigration
Our friend Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review dug up this little gem from Harry Reid in 1993 where he sounds a LOT like Donald Trump when talking about immigration. Reid laments the fact that 26 percent of our jail population was made up of illegal immigrants and was shocked that we had to spend $30,000 per year-per person on them. He also expresses concern over the fact that in 1993, 67 percent of the births at a Los Angeles hospital were to illegal immigrant women.

Where is the feigned liberal outrage? Where are the boycotts? Why doesn't anyone call his comments "racially tinged?"

Via Conservative Review:
Once upon a time, common sense reigned supreme, even in our political system. Sure, politicians would argue over subsidies and entitlements and other fiscal issues. But before our body politic was hijacked by a cartel of special interests who worship the pagan gods of political correctness and selfish parochial desires, both progressives and conservatives had a sense of justice and fairness as it relates to illegal immigration...continue reading
The President's ISIS Strategy
Earlier this week, President Obama finally made his way to the Pentagon to discuss a strategy for ISIS with our top generals.

Just when we thought we might get some sort of clear message from President Obama on how to defeat the militant group—he once again proved that he is not the Commander in Chief, but rather the Politician in Chief.

Rather than lay out how America can defeat the Islamic State, the president bent over backwards to ensure he didn’t offend the Muslim community by saying: “our efforts to counter violent extremism must not target any one community because of their faith or background, including patriotic Muslim Americans who are partners in keeping our country safe.”

Over 30 Americans have been arrested and been accused of having ties with ISIS this year alone. It is time for the President to get off the golf course and get serious about combating these radical terrorists.

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