Monday, August 3, 2015


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter Macy's Cherry Picked Outrage As the competition heats up to see which company can dump Trump the fastest due to his immigration comments, one such company that cut ties with the Donald should have taken a good look in the mirror, first. Yes, Macy's: Two can play this game. The retail giant-one of the first companies to end business with Trump-said in a Just in case you've been living under a rock for the past six weeks, during his presidential announcement speech, Trump candidly addressed the nation's problem with illegal immigrant crime and said: When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you...They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. Now, let's view this situation from the "I'm offended by everything perspective," (which Macy's basically used to validate it's severing ties with Trump) and ask this simple question: How is it that Donald Trump's comments about the fact that illegal aliens cross our borders and commit crimes, are any more offensive than Macy's doing business with a company named after a Nazi supporter, a white pop star who used the N-word while posting a photo of her son, and a rap star who can be seen choking and having sex with his girlfriend in a new commercial? Could Donald Trump's accurate (albeit blunt) remarks on illegal immigration possibly be more offensive than these aforementioned examples? Let's find out...(continue reading) Obama's Carbon Emission Plan President Obama unveiled his agenda to cut carbon dioxide emissions today and—in typical Obama fashion—he’s jet setting across the country to make his case. As part of his campaign, Obama will travel to the Alaskan Arctic to “call attention to the effects of global warming.” According to the Daily Caller, Obama’s trip to the Arctic aboard Air Force One will emit over 350,000 pounds of carbon dioxide which “is equivalent to what 22 homes emit from burning electricity every year…” Wouldn’t it be easier on the environment if the President decided to stay in D.C. and present his plan to Congress rather than abuse his executive powers and make sweeping regulatory changes without the consent of our representatives?

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