Monday, August 17, 2015


Sean Answers Beck
Late Thursday, Glenn Beck criticized Sean for supporting Donald Trump and questioned the motives of many "big-name" conservatives.

Beck, who previously slammed Trump for being "the biggest flaming [ass] that you could possibly imagine," called out Sean and other conservatives in a Facebook post, why "big-name" conservatives were pledging their support to the GOP presidential candidate.

Beck went on to question the motives of Sean, Ann Coulter and others noting: "I get it if you are tired of politicians, a Republican progressive, or you are only about winning?"

Read Sean's response to Beck here.
War of Words: Clinton vs Bush
It appears Governor Jeb Bush has struck a nerve with Hillary Clinton as he continues to blame her and the failed policies of the Obama Administration for the relatively sudden growth of ISIS.

Last week Bush fired, "That premature withdrawal was the fatal error, creating the void that ISIS moved in to fill -- and that Iran has exploited to the full as well." Bush continued, "Where was the secretary of state in all of this? In all her record-setting travels, she stopped by Iraq exactly once."
Clinton fired back this past week saying, "I find it somewhat curious that Jeb Bush is doubling down on defending his brother's actions in Iraq."

I find it distasteful that Mrs. Clinton responded to an attack on her policy agenda with a personal attack about Jeb Bush's brother. I would like this campaign to be about policy and not posture. If we don't judge Hillary Clinton for the decisions her husband made, we would expect the same of her. Plus, there's enough we can judge her for of her own doing.

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