Wednesday, August 19, 2015


No Laughing Matter
The FBI is continuing their investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server and yet the former Secretary of State is seemingly unconcerned. In a news conference yesterday Clinton laughed when reporters asked if she had any knowledge of the email servers having been "wiped clean or otherwise erased." Her response? Clinton quipped, "wiped? with a cloth or something?" She added, "I don't know how it works digitally at all." Aides ended the press conference shortly after this exchange.
LISTEN: Roger Stone and Ed Klein discuss Hillary email scandal

Clinton had tried to claim that she had turned over nearly 55,000 emails but acknowledged that the emails were released at her discretion.

I can appreciate Mrs. Clinton's attempt at levity in this situation. She realizes that as her poll numbers decline, she's going to face an uphill battle. She's trying hard to convince America that her blatant disregard for information security isn't a big deal but we all know it is.
Broke, but Still Spending...
Even though the CBO reported back in February that the United States' annual federal deficits will increase by 148 percent over the next 10 years, that hasn't stopped the U.S. Department of Agriculture from wasting millions in taxpayer dollars.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, "the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) says it is creating jobs by spending millions on snowmobiles, fire trucks, studying a 'gluten-free mill,' and other local initiatives."

The agency announced $18.1 million in loans and grants last month which includes over $150,000 for two snowmobile clubs in Vermont.

Aside from the fact that the United States is basically broke, couldn't we find better ways to use that money? Maybe for our nation's veterans who are dying on wait lists at VA hospitals?

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