Thursday, August 20, 2015


Help Marine Major Brezler
Why is a Marine fighting a discharge from the reserves for sending life-saving classified information to his colleagues, while Hillary is still eligible to become Commander in Chief?
LISTEN: Sean's interview with Kevin Carroll and Greg Buckley Sr.

Kevin Carroll and Greg Buckley Sr. joined Sean to discuss the disgraceful treatment of decorated Marine Major Jason Brezler (who would have joined Sean himself but the Marines have placed a gag order on him).

Carroll, Brezler's attorney, is helping him fight being discharged from the Marine Corps Reserve after his client emailed his colleagues (on July 24,2012) a classified document they requested about a Taliban- associated Afghan police chief working on a U.S. military base Afghanistan. Brezler included information that was damaging about the chief, indicating that he was a threat to local children and the Marines. Unfortunately, Brezler's warning was ignored and weeks later, one of the Afghan police chief's alleged sex abuse victims entered the base gym (allegedly at the request of the chief) and shot and killed Marines Scott Dickinson, Richard Rivera and Greg Buckley.

Greg Buckley Sr. is the father of Marine Lance Corporal Greg Buckley Jr. Greg Jr. was just days away from coming home to visit his family when he was shot and killed at the base gym. Mr. Buckley is defending Jason Brezler, saying it's unacceptable that Hillary Clinton is getting a pass on her email scandal while Brezler is being prosecuted for trying to save his son's life.

Mr. Buckley and the other victim's families claim they have been stonewalled in their attempts to get answers from the Marine Corps.

The teenager who murdered the three Marines is facing only 6 years in prison and Carroll believes it is because of obstruction of justice by the Marine Corps.

The two guests are asking people to let their congressmen and senators know that they think Jason Brezler belongs in the Marine Corps. Their elected representatives can tell the Navy and the FBI the same thing.

Contact your elected officials here and demand that Brezler stay in the Marines.

Follow the latest updates on Brezler and the case on the LCpl Greg Buckley Jr Facebook page.
Pay-to-Play Politics
Pay-to-play politics seems to be alive and well under the Obama Administration as the Washington Free Beacon reported yesterday that a Clinton Foundation AND DNC donor has now been appointed as the chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

The report says that, "Robert Steven Kaplan, a Harvard Business School professor and former executive at Goldman Sachs, has also donated more than $100,000 to Democratic candidates and campaigns."

Kaplan also donated between $25,000 and $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

Will the mainstream media look into this relationship? Could you imagine if this were a hire under a Republican Administration?

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