Monday, August 24, 2015


Another Entry Into The Race?
While President Obama was spending the weekend finishing up his vacation with Massachusetts elites on Martha's Vineyard, Vice President Joe Biden was doing some traveling of his own. Biden reportedly took a last minute flight from his home in Delaware where he was spending some vacation time and returned to Washington D.C. to meet with Senator Elizabeth Warren . More and more Democrats are beginning to feel that Hillary Clinton might not be the best choice as Democrat nominee and that Vice President Biden should consider a run.

With the GOP struggling to whittle down their extra-large field and Bernie Sanders drawing large crowds but still trailing Clinton by 20 points, some are looking to Biden to continue the Obama legacy. I, for one, am not.
Mainstream Media at it Again
Well, your trusted mainstream media is at it yet again: According to Newsbusters, after the news broke Wednesday of the secret Iran deal enabling the Iranians to inspect their OWN nuclear site, "ABC's World News Tonight and CBS Evening News ignored the story completely," while "NBC Nightly News allowed only one minute of air time for the breaking news."

Even worse, Newsbusters reported that none of the network morning shows covered the news of the deal the following day.

At least America can turn to Fox News. After the news broke, Fox provided over 11 minutes of coverage on the story in just one hour while the other networks devoted just ONE minute of coverage in 24 hours.

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