Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Mainstream Media Ignores Planned Parenthood Scandal
Once again-over the weekend-your trusted network news shows helped to cover up the growing Planned Parenthood video scandal.

Yes - the same organization that receives over $500 million of your tax dollars every year - was highlighted in a new trailer by the Center for Medical Progress which shows the Stem Express CEO joking about receiving intact fetuses from Planned Parenthood.

Unfortunately, according to Newsbusters, if you were looking for the latest news on the videos, "ABC, CBS and CNN's Sunday morning news shows all ignored the ongoing controversy."

George Stephanopoulos even featured Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley on ABC's This Week but wasn't able to muster up a single question about the ongoing scandal.

The mainstream media cannot ignore this story forever.
It's All About The Economy
As news of yesterday's 616 point decline for the Dow Jones Industrial Average spread, fears that China's economy is failing continued to grow. The campaign trail was ripe with accusations and finger pointing. Donald Trump took to twitter accusing the Obama Administration of "poor planning" and suggesting that Washington has allowed "China and Asia to dictate the the [economic] agenda."

Carly Fiorina was more specific in her attacks suggesting that Washington and the Obama administration has forced the Federal Reserve to have a dual mandate, one of inflation control and job creation. "I think there's a problem when the Feds are a real market maker and market mover as opposed to being focused on money supply and inflation," said Fiorina. "I don't believe the Federal Reserve has a lot to do with unemployment."

Even as there are early signs that many of the world's economies are recovering from the crash, we can't ignore the warning sign we have here. I've been saying it for years but Washington needs to stop spending like drunken sailors, we need to have responsible economic leadership and we need to return to solid conservative principles where the government is not the do-all for everyone. We need to do all of this, and soon.

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