Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter Just When You Thought Obama's Nuclear Deal Couldn't Get Any Worse Just when we thought the details of Obama's nuclear plan with Iran couldn't possibly get any worse, we learned this week that Iran's IAEA ambassador said that the organization is banned from revealing the details of the Iranian nuclear inspections to the United States. According to the Washington Free Beacon, "Iran's ambassador and permanent envoy to the IAEA, stated over the weekend that no country is permitted to know the details of future inspections conducted by the IAEA. In addition, no U.S. inspectors will be permitted to enter Iran's nuclear sites." This news comes just after a Quinnipiac poll was released showing Americans oppose the Iran deal by a 2-to-1 margin. Mr. President - do you really still think this is a "good deal"? Presidential Priorities Even after the release of undercover video footage revealing the barbaric and illegal practices of Planned Parenthood, the Obama Administration is continuing to stand behind the abortion provider and has not ordered an investigation into the group. But-don't worry everyone-they will get to the bottom of Cecil the Lion's death at the hands of Minnesota dentist, Walter Palmer. According to the Washington Post, investigators for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have "knocked on the front door of Palmer's house, stopped by his dental office, called his telephone numbers and filled his inbox with emails." Planned Parenthood receives billions in taxpayer dollars, and yet, the Obama Administration is putting more time and energy into punishing the dentist who killed Cecil. Can someone please teach the President how to prioritize?

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