Friday, September 18, 2015


Are We Arming ISIS?
Standing on a stage surrounded by thousands of supporters, Trump reminded us of ISIS' growing military strength . "We spent $2 trillion in Iraq...$2 trillion! We lost thousands of lives, thousands in Iraq. We have wounded soldiers, who I love, I love - they're great - all over the place, thousands and thousands of wounded soldiers. And we have nothing. We can't even go there. We have nothing. And every time we give Iraq equipment, the first time a bullet goes off in the air, they leave it. Last week, I read 2,300 Humvees - these are big vehicles - were left behind for the enemy. 2,000? You would say maybe two, maybe four? 2,300 sophisticated vehicles, they ran, and the enemy took them."

Reports have confirmed that 2,300 Humvees were taken when ISIS moved into Mosul and air strikes have destroyed nearly 60 tanks. There are even reports that ISIS captured Syrian fighter jets and anti-aircraft weaponry. Trump is right, ISIS is growing - largely by acquiring and using American and Russian-made military equipment. We want our allies in the Middle East to learn to defend themselves but at some point we need to measure the cost.
The Debate Review: The Media Shift
While it remains a little too early to tell who won the GOP debate, the mainstream media has seemingly declared Carly Fiorina the winner. Her strong performance coupled with the fact that she had to fight to get on the prime-time debate made for a compelling story. It will be interesting to see if her performance can do what Dr. Carson's did after the first debate, namely bring a struggling campaign to the forefront.

The fallout of the second debate can be seen already. Though Donald Trump led the debate with nearly 20 minutes of speaking time, his social media interactions have declined significantly. Interestingly enough, Trump's media appearances have also declined. According to Critical Mentions, Trump's biggest day for media coverage was August 15th of this year. This would indicate the media is tiring of Mr. Trump.

Before we dismiss Trump as another early frontrunner like we saw with Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich, we should remember that Donald Trump has defied conventional political wisdom. He's clearly a unique candidate running a very unique campaign and he's also still leading in the polls.

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