Friday, October 30, 2015


Bush Explains Why He's Attacking Rubio
Of all of the interactions between the candidates on Wednesday's debate, the exchanges between former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Senator Marco Rubio were arguably the most contentious. Bush continued his assault on Rubio's senate voting record and experience, accusing the Florida Senator of working a 'French work week' and having the same level of experience Barack Obama had in 2008.

Many observers question Jeb's strategy, including Rubio himself.

"Someone's obviously convinced him that if he attacks me it's going to help his campaign," Rubio said on Thursday's Sean Hannity Radio Show. "It isn't true."

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush joined Thursday's Hannity to explain his strategy.
WATCH: Jeb's explanation for why he's targeting Senator Rubio

"I'll be honest that exchange absolutely startled me," Sean told Bush. "In the course of one week, you've compared Marco Rubio to Barack Obama--which is probably the greatest insult any Republican can make about another--and then the 'French work week' and 'maybe you should resign'. I didn't expect that. Where is all this coming from?"

"I just think when people are elected they aught to serve. They aught to do their jobs," Bush responded. "He's a United States Senator, he aught to show up."

"He's not the only senator though, or sitting congressman, or sitting Governor that's run for office," were you similarly critical of John McCain, and Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton or others who might have done that?"

"I've been critical of Hillary Clinton and Obama for sure," Bush answered. "But John McCain had a proven record as a Senator. He also ran for president but while he was a United States Senator and still does."

"Marco had the worst attendance record prior to be a candidate for president," Bush added.
Friday Funnies: Bad Lip Reading of the Democratic Debate The Democratic debate finally got the Bad Lip Reading treatment and it was worth the wait. They really nailed Bernie Sanders. Watch it here. 3 People Ted Cruz Says Should Moderate The Next GOP Debate
Ted Cruz blasted the mainstream media on Wednesday night for the way the CNBC moderators handled the GOP primary debate. But Senator Cruz didn't just complain without offering some solutions.
WATCH: Sean's full interview with Senator Ted Cruz from Wednesday's post-debate analysis

"Why is it that we keep having debates where the moderators, no one in their right minds thinks the moderators will actually vote in a Republican primary?" Cruz asked Sean during Wednesday's post-debate analysis on Fox. "In my view, Republican primary debates aught to be moderated by people who would vote in a primary."

Cruz then offered his debate dream team.

"How about a debate moderated by Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Rush Limbaugh," Cruz suggested. "Now that would be a debate!"

"I'm in," Sean responded.

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