Monday, October 19, 2015


Former Secret Service Agent Destroys Hillary Apologist
Despite the mounting evidence against Hillary Clinton, many liberals continue to argue that the former Secretary of State's mishandling of classified information is a non-issue.

Attorney and Democratic activist Chris Hahn and former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino joined Friday's Sean Hannity Radio Show to discuss the latest details in the scandal.

"You know and I know that 33,000 deleted emails weren't about yoga, a wedding, and a funeral," Sean said to Hahn.

"Hey, have you ever planned a wedding," Hahn responded in jest. "Maybe she was on Groupon or something. I don't know, it's a lot of emails, you're right, and those are questions that will be answered and I think at the end of the day she'll be fine."

"It's embarrassing what he's saying." Bongino said in response to Hahn's defense. The former agent Bongino went on to draw an analogous situation from his days in the Secret Service transportation division.

"If I would have disclosed a motorcade route...over a private email I probably would have been fired, at least suspended, and potentially jailed if it led to some national security breaches of any significance," Bongino explained. "Yet the liberals have a secretary of state who, I'm telling you, her server was hacked into, with deep national security secrets-DEFCON 1-national security secrets. And they want her to run for president. I mean, this is pathetic."

"You don't know that she gave up national security secrets, Dan," Hahn interrupted. "You're just making big generalizations."

"No, Chris I'm not assuming because Reuters reported it a while ago," Bongino shot back, referring to the August Reuters report that dozens of Hillary's emails were classified from the start.
Michelle Obama's Lunch Program is Failing Miserably
In what could easily have been predicted, a new Government Accountability Office report has found that Michelle Obama's school lunch program is failing miserably.
The Washington Free Beacon reported that "...participation in the National School Lunch Program has declined in recent years..." as 1.4 million students have dropped out of the program since Michelle Obama implemented her restrictive lunch rules.

Things have gotten so bad that, according to the GAO report, children are bringing their own salt and pepper shakers to class as well as "creating their own black markets for salt and sugar as a result of the rules."

Note to Mrs. Obama: not every family can afford to send their kids to Sidwell Friends where they serve crusted tilapia and herb roasted chicken for lunch.

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