Thursday, October 22, 2015


Sean Challenges A Liberal To Name Hillary's 3 Biggest Accomplishments, The Results Are Hilarious
On Wednesday's Sean Hannity Radio Show, Steve in Atlanta called the program ready to attack Republicans and conservatives for their apparent disunity of late. But when the topic turned to his admiration of Hillary Clinton, he seemed to be a little short on substance.

So, Sean posed a very simple challenge:

"Hillary's been in public office for all these years, I want you to name her three biggest accomplishments," Sean told the self-proclaimed progressive caller. "She had to go around and tell the world that we weren't the jerks that the whole world thought we were after the Iraq invasion," Steve responded. Considering the terrible state of America's relationships with her enemies and her allies since Hillary's tenure as Secretary of State, that might not have been the best example for Steve to lead with. But Sean was feeling charitable. "Basically told the world we're not jerks," Sean repeated. "Accomplishment two, ready go!"

Steve's answers only went downhill from there. By the end of the call, Sean had clearly had enough.

"You cannot name a specific accomplishment that this woman has," Sean exclaimed, "and you'll defend a woman viewed as a liar, and a cheat, and dishonest, and untrustworthy and you'll still vote for her." "You know what you need to do," Sean added, "You need to wake up out of your hypnotic trance and stop drinking the kool-aid."
Sick: Palestinian Instructional Video Shows Viewers How To "Prepare A Knife For Stabbing"
Palestinian terrorists have recently released an instructional video to aid viewers in committing knife attacks like those have already claimed the lives of 9 Israeli civilians.
In the video, which was by posted by the Middle East Media Research Institute's MEMRI TV, a masked man in front of a Palestinian flag demonstrates how best to turn what looks like a standard kitchen knife into a lethal weapon.  
The man, who is silent throughout the film, first shows several methods of sharpening the knife. Next, he demonstrates four stabbing techniques to maximize damage to potential victims.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has still yet to condemn the recent spate of terror attacks against Israeli civilians.
h/t Washington Free Beacon

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