Friday, October 23, 2015


'Yes, I'm Indignant Right Now!' Sheriff Clarke Unloads On Liberal 'Criminal Sympathizing Mayors'
New York City and the Law Enforcement community have been rocked as, once again, another officer has been gunned down in the line of duty. Officer Randolph Holder, a 5-year veteran of the NYPD, was shot and killed while chasing the gunman in Harlem.
When Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke and Bo Dietl joined Wednesday's Hannity, Clarke noted the silence from the White House.

"Have we heard from president Obama yet?" Sheriff Clarke asked Sean. "I know that he's busy right now preparing for his staged backdrop surrounding himself with, cloaking himself with, some law enforcement chiefs who are representing cities led by liberal-democrat, criminal sympathizing mayors."
WATCH: Clarke: Mass Release of Prisoners Is Liberals' 'Get Out of Jail Free' Card

"This guy who is in custody right now for the slaying last night, when I looked at his record it is littered with drug arrests, things like assault, criminal trespass," Sheriff Clarke added. "What they fail to understand about criminal behavior, Sean-yes I'm indignant right now-is that they fail to understand that these creeps graduate to felonious behavior."

The Milwaukee County Sheriff suggested that mass prison releases are partially to blame for the street violence police officers have been subjected too.

"We have got to put our foot down and we have got to start pushing back aggressively on this mass prison release back into our communities of these criminals," Clarke said.
Migrants from Terrorist Nations in Texas ICE Center Seeking Asylum
President Obama likes to brag that he has taken measures to secure our borders and that he has kept America safe from terrorism.

Well, according to a new Judicial Watch report, the president needs to try a little harder because "...dozens of illegal aliens from terrorist nations entered the United States through Mexico and are being held in a Texas ICE processing center."

The 54 illegal immigrants, from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh are apparently seeking asylum here in the U.S, but the question remains: how many others from terrorist nations have crossed our borders and slipped through ICE and are roaming our communities?

It's time for Obama to get serious about securing our borders and keeping Americans safe.

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