Monday, October 26, 2015


Listen: Liberal Fails Spectacularly At Explaining Why She Supports Hillary
Personally, Sean likes liberal attorney and Fox News contributor Tamara Holder, but on Friday's radio program she proved once again that Hillary Clinton is short of substance.

When talking of Hillary's chances against the Republican field, Holder said confidently, "People are eventually going to say, you know what, Hillary Clinton has a little bit of 'shady' to her, but she has more experience than all these guys combined."

"No, the American people are screaming that she's a liar, dishonest, and untrustworthy," Sean fired back. "Here's a simple question for you Tamara, would you marry someone you viewed as a liar, dishonest, and untrustworthy?" Sean asked.
LISTEN: Tamara tries to defend Hillary

"No, but I think all men lie so what's your point?" Holder admitted to the laughter and shock of fellow guests Trump advisor Michael Cohen and Republican strategist Ron Christie.

"In all honesty, if you're not going to marry somebody that you believe is dishonest and untrustworthy, then why would you select somebody for president who's like that?" Sean pressed.

Cue the jeopardy theme song.

"I'm not answering," Holder said, stumbling to find the words.

"She can never do it!" Ron Christie interjected. "Tamara, this woman has not accomplished a thing during her tenure as Secretary of State or as United States Senator but yet she's supposed to lead the country."
Why is this man Smiling? It's been a great week for Donald Trump.

According to latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, 42% of national Republican voters believe that the real estate mogul will likely win the GOP nomination and 43% believe he has the best chance of winning the general election.

In the state of Massachusetts, Trump commands 48% of the primary vote according to an Emerson College Polling Society poll. His closest rivals, Ben Carson and Senator Marco Rubio, pull just 14% and 12% of likely GOP primary voters respectively.

However, there is one blemish on what has otherwise been a winning week for Trump. According to a Quinnipiac University poll, Dr. Ben Carson leads Trump in Iowa 28%-20% amongst likely Republican caucus-goers.

"There were five to six polls this week that had trump in the lead," Sean said to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on Thursday's Hannity. "The only one he might not be happy with is the Iowa poll, but every other one has him extending his lead."

"I think there's a lot of momentum for Trump right now," Gingrich said. "I think the more people watch him the more they begin to think he's real-that he's not just a flash in the pan."

But Gingrich also had a warning for Trump.

"He is really going to have to confront the reality that this is rough-and-tumble stuff," Gingrich explained. "For example, Dr. Carson has a tremendous following among Evangelicals who are a very big part of the Iowa base. So, he's going to be in a real struggle with Carson in Iowa."

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