Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Author Slam's Jeb Bush's 'Whiny Rich Boy Petulance'
In addition to maintaining a healthy lead in the national polls, presidential hopeful Donald Trump has also succeeded in get under the skin of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush over the past few weeks.
This weekend, a rankled Bush told an audience that he would rather be doing something more enjoyable than running for president. Author Mark Steyn called Bush's comments a case of "whiny rich boy petulance."

"I think Jeb didn't think he'd be in this position this close to Iowa and New Hampshire," Steyn said on Monday's Hannity.

The one-time frontrunner Bush continues to struggle in the polls. In a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll, the former governor scored just 7%, well behind frontrunners Donald Trump and Ben Carson who scored 32% and 22% respectively.
WATCH: Steyn Blasts Jeb Bush

"This isn't a monarchy, he isn't the crown prince, and he did have a choice about whether or not he wanted to do this," Steyn continued. "To get on TV in front of a camera and do his 'you're not going to have Jeb to kick around anymore' routine, I think gets to the way trump is getting under his skin."

"At the heart of Trump's low-grade insults, is actually a very subtle strategy for undermining your opponent," Steyn added.
The 3 Promises Paul Ryan Made To House Conservatives
A super-majority of House Freedom Caucus members have endorsed Paul Ryan for Speaker of the House. On Tuesday night's Hannity, Congressman Jim Jordan, Chairman of the Freedom Caucus, and Jason Cheffetz joined Sean to explain the conservative group's support for Congressman Ryan.

Here are the assurances group was given in return for their support according to it's chairman, Jim Jordan...(continue reading)

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