Thursday, October 29, 2015


Sean Tears Into The Media In Post-Debate Analysis
No matter who you believe won Wednesday night's CNBC Republican primary debate, there was one clear loser: the mainstream media. In the closing moments of Wednesday's Hannity, Sean unleashed on the media with both barrels for their shameless performance.
WATCH: Sean Tears Into The Media In Post-Debate Analysis

"You know I've got to tell you something," Sean began, "Between the comments of Ted Cruz tonight, and the comments of Marco Rubio tonight and the comments of Chris Christie tonight and the comments of Mike Huckabee tonight, you know, I'm looking at The Drudge Report and 'The debate was an encyclopedic example of liberal media bias.' You know what? This is going to go down in history as a really bad night for the media."
Is Congress About To Hand President Obama Unlimited Spending Power?
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is standing firm against the budget deal that made it through the House on Wednesday. The two-year deal won the approval of 79 Republicans and 187 Democrats and will now make its way to the Senate.

According to Paul, the budget deal will hand President Obama a virtual blank check when it comes to spending.

"Do you know that they're going to raise the debt ceiling by an unspecified amount?" Paul said on Wednesday night's Hannity. "They're giving the power to President Obama, in his final year, to spend whatever he wants to spend. No limits. There will be no limits on the debt ceiling when this passes. This is horrendous."

Senator Paul is considering a filibuster to stop the deal from coming to the Senate floor for a vote.

"Why have Republicans allowed this to happen?" Sean asked the Kentucky Senator. "Since [John Boehner] has been Speaker, the debt has gone up 4.1 trillion dollars. That doesn't sound like a party of limited government to me."

"It bothers me also," Paul responded. "Paul Ryan is going to vote for this increase in the debt, which is an unlimited increase in the debt."

Paul claims that the spending is the result of an "unholy alliance" between the right and the left in Washington. "The right gets what they want, increased military spending, and the left gets what they want, increased domestic spending, and there's sort of a secret handshake, and all the spending goes up but they're bankrupting the country."
Watch the full interview with Senator Rand Paul from Wednesday's Hannity.

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