Monday, October 5, 2015


"National Disgrace": Soldier discharged after exposing child rape on overseas military base
Before he was fatally shot in 2012, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. phoned his father and made a startling claim about the Afghan police forces with which he and his fellow marines shared a base in southern Afghanistan. Buckley claimed that the officers would routinely sexually abuse young boys they brought onto the base.

"At night, we can hear these kids screaming, and there's nothing we can do about it," Buckley explained to his father according to the New York Times.

Green Beret Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland shared similar concerns to Lance Cpl. Buckley and, in 2011 along with Captain Daniel Quinn, intervened when it was allegedly discovered that an Afghan Police official had a young boy tied to his bed as a sex slave.

One might think the U.S. government would decorate Martland for putting a stop to this kind of behavior from our erstwhile allies. Instead, Sgt. 1st Class Martland was drummed out of the Army...(continue reading)
Is Trump Mr. October?
With colder weather enveloping the NorthEast, people are starting to switch their attention to a more closely scrutinized list of political candidates. The field of candidates are beginning to narrow with Governors Rick Perry and Scott Walker exiting the race and ostensibly a handful of other candidates who are showing no national appeal. As these candidates are dismissed, the focus for their attention falls on three people. Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson who are all fighting to gain ground on the rest of the pack. Going into the Fall, Trump has seen his double-digit lead dwindle to just 5 points. In New Hampshire, Fiorina has overtaken Carson for second place and is poised to make a run for Trump who currently holds an 8 point lead.

Trump made headlines this past week when he told reporters that he would drop out of the race if his poll numbers were not strong. "I'm doing great in the polls," Trump offered, "If I were doing poorly, if I saw myself going down, I'd go back to my business. I have no problem with that." Of course, a billion dollar business isn't a bad plan B.

October is going to be a big month for the campaigns. If Donald Trump can continue to lead through the Fall and position himself for two big wins in early states, he'll be able to establish a clear path to victory. Candidates like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio will need to gain significant ground in order to encourage donors and supports to continue. If Trump can be "Mr. October" he might just win this race.

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