Wednesday, October 7, 2015


No Background Checks for Syrian Refugees?
As the Obama Administration prepares to admit approximately 200,000 (mostly Syrian) refugees into the United States over the next two years, a recent Senate hearing confirms what I have been warning you about for months: We have NO way to run background checks on these so-called refugees entering our country.

Last Thursday, a DHS representative told Sen. Jeff Sessions that there was no database on Syria that the U.S. could use to run background checks on the refugees planning to resettle in our country.

Furthermore, DHS admitted there is no way to identify refugees who become radicalized once they are in the United States, saying "...we can't predict the future."

Lucky for the Obama Administration, it doesn't take a crystal ball to realize this is a bad idea.
Uh Oh: Report Says Hillary Being Advised To Hire A Criminal Defense Attorney
In what may be the the most visible indication yet that Hillary Clinton is feeling the heat on her email server scandal, a new report claims that a trusted Clinton confidant has advised the former Secretary of State to hire a criminal defense attorney in case she is indicted for failing to secure classified government documents and for lying under oath.

"This is a guy who has been with the Clintons for 30 years," Ed Klein, author of Unlikeable: The Problem With Hillary, said of the source of the new revelations on Monday night's Hannity. "He says, paraphrasing John Dean, 'this is a cancer on her candidacy."

Klein claims that Clinton is being advised to hire a "big league criminal defense attorney", possibly even a republican, to defend her should criminal charges be brought against her.

Just last week we learned that the FBI has likely recovered the 33,000 deleted emails or at least a portion of them. This has led to growing speculation about just what the deleted emails contain.

"If it's not about yoga, a wedding, a funeral, or conversations with Bill," Sean asked Sharyl Attkinsson,"could this be the smoking gun that gets her indicted?"

"It's hard to say until we know what's int he emails, and only perhaps she knows," Attkisson said.

"I think her big concern," Attkisson added, "is that through internal polling she knows she's done and that the public does see the Benghazi question as a legitimate issue, both Democratic and Republican voters."

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