Thursday, October 8, 2015


New Proposal Would Free Gun-Carrying Felons
While President Obama was quick to blame the Second Amendment for the recent tragedy in Oregon, it seems as though he is going to support legislation that would free criminals from jail who carried guns while committing drug felonies.

According to Power Line Blog, "...under current law...a defendant who carries a gun in the course of committing a drug felony is subject to a 10-year mandatory minimum term for the firearm in addition to the sentence for drugs. For a second offense, he is subject to consecutive mandatory terms of 25 years, which is called 'stacking.'

This so-called reform bill would repeal 'stacking' and ultimately end up benefitting felons who carried guns when they committed crimes.

This certainly seems at odds with Obama's call for "common sense gun safety laws."
Carson Defends Himself From National Enquirer's Smear Campaign
Earlier, we brought you the story of the National Enquirer's nasty smear campaign against Dr. Ben Carson.

Carson is not taking the attacks on his medical career lying down.
VIDEO: Watch Sean's interview with Dr. Ben Carson

On last night's Hannity, Dr. Carson claimed that the those who brought the lead case in the National Enquirer's article have been threatening him for years.

"What a bunch of crap," Carson exclaimed. "I don't bother with that stuff."

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