Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Former Assistant Director Of The FBI: Hillary May Be Guilty Of Conspiracy Too
Fox News' Catherine Herridge recently broke the news that the FBI's probe of Hillary Clinton's emails is focused on the so-called "gross negligence provision" under 18 U.S. Code § 793, section (f). That provision makes it a crime for anyone "through gross negligence" to have classified material lost, destroyed, stolen, or "removed from its proper place of custody."

But that might not be Clinton's only problem.

According to former Assistant Director Of The FBI Ron Hosko, Hillary Clinton might also be guilty of violating the next section of the law: the section that deals with conspiracy.
LISTEN: Sean's interview with Ron Hosko

"If you go down one more section, I think that's equally concerning-or it should be-for Hillary and her staff," said Hosko on Monday's Sean Hannity Radio Show.

"It relates to if two or more people conspire to violate any of the above sections including section (f)," Hosko explained. "That's you and I agreeing that this is how we're going to take classified information, retransmit it or abstract it down onto an unclassified server, and float emails back and forth to each other."

Hosko, who retired in 2014 after 30 years with the bureau, has been a vocal critic of President Obama's recent meddling into the ongoing FBI investigation.

"Any other citizen, I would think, would be in jail," Sean added.

"Anyone who worked for the government would be in jail," responded Former FBI Special Agent Jonathan Gilliam. "If I had gone out and made up my own server and done any official business on that, if it even hinted at classified I would probably be prosecuted."
Trump Unloads On GOP Insiders And 'Puppets' Planning To Wage War Against Him
Donald Trump isn't going to take attacks by GOP insiders lying down.

As Byron York reported in the Washington Examiner, panicked Republican insiders are preparing to launch a torrent of negative against the billionaire real estate mogul. One veteran Republican strategist York interviewed said, "I don't think Trump can withstand 10,000 points of smart negative in Iowa and New Hampshire...It would force him to spend money. That's when this starts to get real for him."

"The establishment now thinks you can win," Sean said to Trump on Monday night's Hannity. "What they're planning, and what they're telegraphing they're planning, is a barrage of ads in early states. Huge buys. Millions and millions of dollars trying to chip away at your conservative credentials with primary voters. What do you think is the best way to respond to that?"

"The candidates aren't buying the ads," Trump responded. "The people who are buying the ads are the special interests, the donors, the people who are lobbyists."

Indeed, York reports that the anti-trump ad buys will be coming from organizations like the Club for Growth and other outside groups.

"The lobbyists are going crazy," Trump continued. "When they come to me, say they want me to do something for all these companies even though its not in the best interest of the United States, I'm not going to do it."

"These people have hundreds of millions of dollars that they've given to these politicians, and these politicians are puppets for them," Trump added. "With me, I'm going to do what's right for the country."

Trump promised to fight back with his own ads and his own money. "I have to fight back, otherwise I wouldn't be leading every poll."

According to the latest polling by ABC News-Washington Post, leads his closest rival in the GOP race Ben Carson, 32%-22% amongst registered voters who lean Republican.

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