Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Huckabee: Of Course Donald Trump Has 'Moral Authority'
GOP presidential candidate and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee had a few nice words to say about fellow candidate Donald Trump during his interview on Monday's Hannity.
His comments came in response to the "cheap shot question he was asked about Donald Trump's moral authority" during the CNBC debate.

"You know how I can tell you something about Donald Trump's moral authority," Huckabee told Sean, "look at the relationship he has with his adult children. They've all turned out to be very successful, they're very respectful, they love their father, they're very respectful of their father, that tells me everything I need to know about his moral authority."
WATCH: Mike Huckabee joins Sean on 'Hannity'

In addition to the "cheap" questions during the debate, Huckabee also protested the fact that he received so few. According to the former Arkansas Governor, he received a paltry three questions the entire night.

"Ask us the hardest questions you want to bring, after all we are running for president of the United States we can handle your tough questions," Huckabee said, "but it's hard to handle your questions when we don't get any."

"Challenge me on the Fair Tax," Huckabee continued. "If you don't think the Fair Tax is a good idea, bring it on, let's talk about it."
Tarantino's Father Slams Son For Anti-Cop Rhetoric
Quentin Tarantino's anti-cop rhetoric has earned the director a considerable amount of blowback. The consequences have included a number of calls for the boycott of his upcoming movie "The Hateful Eight" and the scorn of police and police unions around the country.

"I'm here because I'm a human being with a conscience," the director said recently at a New York City anti-police rally. "When I see murder, I cannot stand by. And I have to call the murdered the murdered, and I have to call the murderers the murderers."
WATCH: Sean's interview with Tony Tarantino

The director has recently come under attack from one source he might not have expected: his own father.

"It's not him I'm criticizing," Tony Tarantino said on Monday's Hannity, "it's his actions and the things he had to say on the spur of the moment without really taking the time to think about what he's doing. He didn't look at both sides of the story."

"I'm not here just because I'm his biological father," the director's father continued, "but because I'm a concerned citizen for what's right in our communities today."

Tarantino, an actor and director himself, went on to explain his deep connection to the NYPD, which includes family and friends who are both retired and active members of the force.

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