Thursday, December 3, 2015


Developing: Suspects ID'd In San Bernardino Mass Shooting New information is emerging about the perpetrators of Wednesday's shooting in San Bernardino, California. According to San Bernardino Police, a United States citizen named Syed Rizwan Farook has been identified as one of the suspects in the shooting.

A second suspect has also been named, a 27 year old woman named Tashfeen Malik.

Both suspects were killed in a gun battle with police. San Bernardino Police Chief Jarron Burguan reported that the two deceased suspects were both armed with assault rifles and wearing tactical gear. They were also using explosives of "pipe-bomb design."

The news confirms earlier reports by Pamela Gellar.
The New York Daily News is reporting that they've spoken to suspect Farooq Saeed's estranged father, who describes his son as a "very religious" Muslim:

"I haven't heard anything. He worked in a county office," Farook's dad told The News. "He's married and has a kid. We're estranged because my wife got the divorce, and they are together. She doesn't want to see me." Farook said he hasn't seen his son in some time. "He was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He's Muslim."

To stay up-to-date on the latest on the shooting in San Bernardino, please click here.
New Poll: Good News For Trump, Bad News For Carson A brand new Quinnipiac University poll is spelling good news for Donald Trump and bad news for Ben Carson.

Trump is now the undisputed leader of the GOP pack with 27% of Republican voters saying they'd support the real estate mogul in the primary. Carson, who was virtually tied with Trump last month, has dropped to third place with the support of 16% of voters. Marco Rubio is now in second place with 17% of the vote, while Ted Cruz ties Carson for the third spot with 16%.
Check out the full results of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

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