Monday, February 1, 2016


Final Poll Before The Iowa Caucus Shows A Tight Race The final poll before Iowans head to their caucuses is in, and it's showing a tight, 3-man race in the GOP primary.
Full results of the Emerson College Poll

The new poll buy the Emerson College Polling Society shows the two GOP frontrunners are virtually tied, with Donald Trump pulling 27% of likely caucus-goers and Senator Ted Cruz polling at 26%. In third place is Marco Rubio with 22% of caucus-goers claiming they'll be supporting the Florida Senator.

On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders continues to trail frontrunner Hillary Clinton despite the enthusiasm for his insurgent campaign. The socialist Senator from Vermont trails Hillary Clinton by 8 points, with 43% of Democratic caucus-goers saying they'll support Sanders and 51% saying they'll support Clinton.
New Hillary Email Revelations On Friday we learned that the U.S. State Department could not release 22 of Hillary Clinton's emails because their "TOP SECRET" nature made them too damaging to release to the public. Today, we're learning a little more about just what was contained in those emails...and it's not good for Hillary.

Fox News' Catherine Herridge and Pamela K. Brown report:

Highly classified Hillary Clinton emails that the intelligence community and State Department recently deemed too damaging to national security to release contain "operational intelligence" - and their presence on the unsecure, personal email system jeopardized "sources, methods and lives," a U.S. government official who has reviewed the documents told Fox News.

[T]he U.S. government official's description provides confirmation that the emails contained closely held government secrets. "Operational intelligence" can be real-time information about intelligence collection, sources and the movement of assets...continue reading

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