Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Trump Accuses Cruz Campaign Of Voter Fraud
Real estate mogul Donald Trump is accusing Texas Senator Ted Cruz of engaging in voter fraud and "stealing" the Iowa Caucuses. Trump took to Twitter to make his feelings known and lay out his case.

Donald Trump has gone on to suggested that he is strongly considering filing a lawsuit over the results in Iowa.

The Cruz campaign has since responded to Trump's accusations. Cruz spokesman Rick Tyler said in a statement:

Reality has hit the reality star. Since Iowa, no one is talking about Donald Trump. That's why e's popping off on Twitter. There are Twitter addiction therapy groups, and he should check in with his local chapter.
Did Rubio Plagiarize Part Of His Iowa Speech From Obama?
Some on the left are noting similarities between Florida Senator Marco Rubio's recent speech after his third place finish in the Iowa Caucuses, and President Barack Obama's speech following his Iowa victory in the 2008.

Some on the left have even gone so far as to bring out the dreaded "p" word: plagiarism.

Let's take a look at the lines in question. Here's Marco Rubio's speech from Monday...(continue reading)

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