Monday, March 21, 2016


Candidates Slam Obama's Cuba Visit President Barack Obama kicked off his three-day trip to communist Cuba, landing in Havana's Jose Marti international airport. Obama is the first president since Calvin Coolidge to visit the island nation. The president will meet with Cuban leaders including a meeting with Dictator Raul Castro.

Despite the trip's historic nature, many of the president's political opponents are less than happy with his decision.

GOP frontrunner Donald J. Trump took to Twitter to make his feelings known:

"Wow, President Obama just landed in Cuba, a big deal, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to greet him. He greeted Pope and others. No respect," Trump tweeted.

Trump reiterated his statement during a campaign event saying, "President Obama landed in Cuba and the head of Cuba, who was there for the Pope and he was there for other dignitaries that come in, but he wasn't there for the President of the United States. I mean, it's Amateur hour folks."

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, whose father Rafael Cruz escaped communist Cuba, also had a few things to say about the president's trip...continue reading
Here's What The Polls Say About Tomorrow's Utah And Arizona Primaries The three remaining GOP presidential candidates will be facing off in two important primary contests on Tuesday: the Arizona Primary and the Utah Caucuses.

The evening's biggest prize will be Arizona and its 58 winner-take-all delegates. Billionaire Donald Trump is running in first place in the Grand Canyon State, with a comfortable 13 point lead over Texas Senator Ted Cruz. According to the Real Clear Politics polling average, 34% of Arizona primary voters are supporting Trump while 21% support Cruz. John Kasich rounds out the field with 12.5% of voters supporting the Ohio governor.

The situation is quite different in Utah, where Senator Ted Cruz has a commanding lead of 24% over his closest rival Ohio Governor John Kasich. Cruz leads Kasich 53%-29%, while Donald Trump lags behind with 11% of caucus-goers saying they'll support the real estate mogul. If Senator Cruz manages to score over 50% in the Utah Caucuses, he will take home all 40 of the Beehive State's delegates.
Here's where the GOP candidates stand according to the polls...

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