Friday, April 29, 2016


Only One GOP Candidate Has Responded to Letter for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime It has been over one month since advocates for the families of victims killed by illegal immigrants issued an open letter to the Republican presidential candidates. The letter seeks their support for a new program which would provide aid to the families suffering from the loss of their loved ones.

So far, only one candidate has responded.

Maria Espinoza, co-founder and director of the advocacy group, The Remembrance Project, tells that Donald Trump is the only candidate whose office has responded to their open letter and that the candidate will support a national program to assist families of victims of illegal aliens. Espinoza says, "Their response was immediate and they have stated they will support our efforts in assisting our families."

According to Espinoza, Senator Ted Cruz's office acknowledged receiving their letter and passed it on internally within the campaign, but The Remembrance Project has received no further response.

The group also sent the letter to the Kasich and Rubio campaigns...(continue reading)
New National Poll Puts Trump And Clinton Neck And Neck A new poll is shocking the political establishment to its core. The national poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports is showing GOP frontrunner Donald Trump neck-and-neck with likely Democratic nominee, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Rasmussen reports:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump and Clinton tied at 38% each. But 16% say they would vote for some other candidate if the presidential election comes down to those two, while six percent (6%) would stay home. Only two percent (2%) are undecided given those options.

Although the poll is seemingly good news for the billionaire, it also shows that Trump has more ground to gain within the GOP than Hillary does amongst her political base. The poll purports to show that if the real estate mogul does win the nomination 16% of GOP voters say they would choose a third-party candidate, while five percent would stay home. On the other side of the aisle, 11% of Democrats would vote third-party, while three percent would stay home.

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