Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Devastating New Trump Ad Features Bill Clinton's Alleged Rape Victim Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump has just released a new ad featuring Juanita Broaddrick, one of many women who have accused former president Bill Clinton of sexual assault.
WATCH: Trump's new ad

The 20 second ad, released via Trump's Instagram account, features Broaddrick recounting some of the awful details of her 1978 encounter with then Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton. The audio was taken from a 1999 interview Broderick did with 'Dateline'.

In addition to accusing Bill of sexual assault, Broaddrick also claims that Hillary Clinton aided her husband by attempting to silence and smear her...(continue reading)
Alleged Clinton Sexual Assault Victim Describes Her Encounter Of the numerous women who have come forward to accuse former president Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct, the case of Kathleen Willey might be the most disturbing. Willey, who was a volunteer member of Bill Clinton's staff and a close personal friend of the former Arkansas Governor, claims she was sexually assaulted by Clinton in November of 1993.
LISTEN: Kathleen Willey describe her encounter with then-president Bill Clinton on The Sean Hannity Show

According to Willey's account of the events, it all began when she and her husband ran into financial difficulties earlier that year. With her spouse facing possible jail time, she turned to Clinton for help.

Willey asked to see Clinton and a meeting was arranged in the White House. Shortly after she arrived, the two retired to the president's private study.

"I told him what was going on and I just said we're in deep financial trouble," Willey recalled on Monday's Sean Hannity Show. Willey says she sought assistance from the president in the form of employment. "I need a job and I'm asking you for help."

It was shortly after the desperate Willey made her overture to the president that the alleged assault occurred...(continue reading)

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