Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Is This The Most Ridiculous Claim In The History Of Gun Control Advocacy? It didn't take long for the left to use Sunday's attack on an Orlando nightclub to launch a full-court press against so-called assault weapons. Over the past 48 hours numbers people, including presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, have called for a reinstatement of the assault weapons ban signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1994.
WATCH: Alan Grayson claims AR-15 can fire 700 rounds per minute

Democratic Florida Congressman Alan Grayson recently added his voice to the chorus of those demanding more strict gun control laws during a recent interview on CNN. In doing so, he also made what is, in all likelihood, one of the most ridiculous claims in the history of gun control advocacy...(continue reading)
The List Of Anti-Gay Muslim Nations From Whom Hillary Has Taken Millions Following Sunday's terror attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, the violently anti-gay stance of the Islamic ideology is coming under increased scrutiny. Specifically, GOP presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump is criticizing Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation for taking funds from foreign states whose legal codes reflect this radical ideology.

Trump called for Clinton to return the funds in a Facebook post on Monday.

Indeed, The Clinton Foundation has taken tens of millions of dollars from these countries. In addition to Saudi Arabia, The Clinton Foundation has taken money from at least 6 other majority Muslim nations whose laws harshly punish homosexuality. The donors and amounts given are taken directly from The Clinton Foundation's own website...(view list of donors)

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