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Devastating New Ad Against Hillary Clinton Highlights Email Lies
America Now, an anti-Hillary Super PAC, recently released a devastating
ad in which they call Hillary Clinton to the carpet on the fact that
she clearly misled the American people about her home-brew email server.
The ad, entitled "Hillary Clinton: More of the Same", effectively
connects Hillary's email server scandal to the scandals of her husband,
former President Bill Clinton.
WATCH: Devastating New Ad Against Hillary
According to The New York Times, the ad is part of a $1.1 million ad buy from the organization.
Nancy Pelosi Claims The Government Invented The iPhone
already know that former Vice President Al Gore invented the internet,
but did you know that the government is responsible for inventing the
WATCH: Pelosi claims Government Invented the iPhone
That's right. According to Nancy Pelosi, Steve Jobs and Apple might be
responsible for putting it together, but it was really the Federal
Government that deserves the credit for that powerful computer you've
been carrying around in your pocket. The House Minority Leader made her
claims at a hearing of the Democratic National Convention Platform
"In this smart phone, almost everything came from Federal investments in
research," Pelosi claimed, holding aloft her iPhone. "GPS created by
the military, flatscreens LLD [editor: she probably meant LCD or LED but
nobody stopped to correct her because she was rolling], digital camera,
wireless data compression, voice recognition, the list goes on." |
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