Wednesday, August 17, 2016


House Oversight Committee Releases Damning Video Detailing Hillary's Perjury The House Oversight Committee has released a damning video in which they demonstrate, in no uncertain terms, that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made false statements during her testimony to the committee.

The video contrasts the statements of Hillary Clinton and the findings of the FBI as delivered by Director James Comey in July.

Specific points of divergence between Clinton's and Comey's testimonies include:

- Whether Clinton sent or received emails that were marked classified at the time.

- Whether her attorneys reviewed each of the emails on her personal email system..(continue reading)
New Poll: Clinton And Trump Are Neck And Neck Despite a recent spate of polls which show Donald Trump trailing Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, a new poll is showing that the race could be tightening.

The new poll from Zogby Analytics shows Trump and Clinton in a statistical tie. According to Zogby, Hillary Clinton is polling at 38% with Donald Trump at 36%, within the poll's margin of error. The poll includes third party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein who are polling at 8% and 5% respectively. Thirteen percent of voters remain undecided.

According to Zogby, Trump is also beating Hillary amongst independents 32% to 26% respectively, and has managed to close the gap amongst Millennials.
Check out the full results of the Zogby Analytics poll.

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