Wednesday, September 21, 2016



BOMBSHELL: Clinton's IT Expert Was Asking Reddit For Help Deleting Hillary's Emails It has been revealed that one of the IT expert who helped Hillary Clinton set up her private email server was asking Reddit users how to tamper with archived emails. According to new evidence Paul Combetta of Platte River Networks, the company which set up the server, solicited advice from Reddit on how to hide and alter emails belonging to a "VIP".

The new evidence emerged when an internet sleuth tracked Combetta to the Reddit username "Stonetear", an online name Combetta commonly uses. The username was linked to an email account that belongs to the Platte River Networks employee.

On July 24, 2014 Stonetear solicited advice from Reddit on how to "Remove or replace" the to/from address on archived emails...(continue reading)
'Known Wolf' Terrorists We're learning new details about Ahmad Khan Rahami, the suspect behind this weekend's bombing attacks in New York City and Elizabeth, New Jersey. Amongst the most interesting facts to have emerged since Rahami's capture on Monday, is that the suspected terrorist had been on the FBI's radar since at least 2014.

According to reports, authorities first took notice of Rahami after his father referred to his son as a "terrorist" during a domestic dispute. USA Today reports...(continue reading)
SHAMELESS: CNN Misquotes Trump To Make Him Appear Racist CNN is coming under fire for misquoting Donald Trump, claiming that the GOP presidential nominee supports "racial profiling" as a means of combating terrorism. In reality, Trump has never voiced support for the practice of racial profiling, and CNN arbitrarily added the word "racial" to their reporting.

The misquote came when CNN reported on comments Trump made to Fox and Friends on Monday regarding the recent terror attacks in New York, New Jersey, and Minnesota. During his interview, Trump suggested the U.S. adopt screening similar to that of Israel.

"But Israel has done an unbelievable job," Trump told Fox and Friends. "They profile. They see somebody that's suspicious, they will profile. They will take that person in, they'll check them out--what choice do we have?"

When CNN reported on the quote, they quoted Trump as having said that "'racial profiling' will stop terror", using quotation marks around "racial profiling"...(continue reading)
Crowd Bursts Into Laughter When Charlie Crist Calls Hillary Clinton 'Honest' Former Florida Governor Charlie Crist is currently running for congress and delivered what might be the most hilarious line of this election cycle.
WATCH: Charlie Crist Draws Laughter After Calling Hillary Clinton Trustworthy

During a debate with his opponent, Rep. David Jolly, Crist, with a straight face, called Hillary Clinton "honest".

"Are you voting for your party's nominee, governor?" asked the debate moderator.

"I am," Crist responded. "I am proud of Hillary Clinton. I think she's been a very good Secretary of State, a very good Senator from the state of New York. The think I like most about her is I believe she is steady. I believe she is strong. I believe she is honest."

The crowd greeted Crist's declaration with much laughter.

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