Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Tuesday, July 25th
WATCH: Boy Scout Jamboree Greets President With 'We Love Trump!' Chant
President Donald Trump received a warm reception from scouts and leaders at the 2017 National Boy Scout Jamboree.
WATCH: Liberal Protesters Disrupt Senate Vote on Healthcare
Protesters effectively shut-down early Senate proceedings on Tuesday as Mitch McConnell prepared to bring about a vote to commence formal debate on the GOP healthcare legislation; chanting "Kill the bill, don't kill us!" as the Majority Leader spoke from the chamber floor.
THE MOOCH IS LOOSE: Scaramucci Vows to 'Fire Everybody' Caught Leaking
Newly appointed White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci vowed to "fire everybody" caught leaking information from inside the Trump administration on Tuesday, bluntly telling his staff to "stop leaking or you're going to get fired."

Anthony Scaramucci has been President Trump's Communications Director for less than one day and he's already clearing house, pledging to clean-up the unprecedented level of leaks coming from inside the White House.
Sen. Grassley Demands Answers Over Ukraine-Clinton Collusion
Sen. Chuck Grassley, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, fired off a scathing letter to the Department of Justice, demanding answers from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein over Hillary Clinton's confirmed collusion with Ukrainian officials during the 2016 election.

The Senator references a Politico article from January of this year that outlines coordinated efforts between the Clinton campaign and Ukrainian government officials to bring down Donald Trump's presidential bid.
Hannity: Here's How YOU Can Fight Fake News
During his monologue on 'Hannity' Monday night, Sean slammed the mainstream media and so-called journalists for their never-ending crusade against the Trump administration; calling on the American people to fight back against "fake news" on social media and Twitter.

"Over the past few weeks the Trump administration has been ramping up one of the most effective tactics for combatting all the fake news," said Hannity. "They've been speaking out on the very programs that spew the misinformation and lies about the President and standing up to these pundits and so-called journalists who treat this White House with hatred and disdain."
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