Wednesday, July 26, 2017


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Hannity's Headlines
Wednesday, July 26th
RNC Chair: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Has 'Obstructed' FBI Investigation
Chair of the Republican National Committee ripped in to Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Wednesday, slamming the former DNC boss for "obstructing" the FBI's investigation into Russian hacking "at every level."
DOUBLE TROUBLE: Iran and North Korea Prepare Dual Rocket Launch
Two of America's major adversaries are secretly preparing for missile launches in the coming days, with Iran ready to send an unmanned rocket into space and North Korea poised to launch another intercontinental ballistic missile as early as Wednesday evening, reports Fox News.
BREAKING: Sessions To Announce Investigations Into Criminal Intel Leaks
Fox News is reporting that Attorney General Jeff Sessions will soon announce several criminal leak investigations.

According to a U.S. official who spoke with Fox News on Tuesday, the announcement "has been in the works for some time and will most likely happen sometime in the next week."

The news comes as President Trump continues his criticism of the Attorney General for his failure to aggressively pursue leakers and "drain the swamp."
Hannity: Time for Justice Department to Restore Rule of Law
In his monologue on 'Hannity' Tuesday night, Sean slammed the "two-tier justice system" currently in place in the United States; imploring the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate a host of scandals and crimes totally ignored by the destroy-Trump media.

"Right now in this country, sadly, there's a two-tier justice system and the law is not equally applied to everyone. The country needs to make a choice. Do we actually ignore crimes, evidence of wrong-doing? Or do we pursue the truth?" Sean asked.
BLAME GAME: Hillary's New Memoir Reveals Why She REALLY Lost 2016 Election
Hillary Clinton's new tell-all memoir will double-down on her baseless claims that Russia and former FBI director James Comey cost her the presidency; shunning personal responsibility for a chaotic, off-message campaign.

According to close associates who have read passages from the book, the memoir will focus on Russian election interference; specifically the hacking of Democratic National Committee emails as well as collusion with the Trump campaign.
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