Monday, July 31, 2017


Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Monday, July 31st
BREAKING: Scaramucci Out As Communications Director
Anthony Scaramucci is out as White House Communications director according to multiple White House officials. The move comes less than two weeks after Scaramucci was officially named to the position.
Dodgy Debbie: GOP Rep. Calls for DWS to Testify as IT Scandal Swirls
GOP Rep. Ron DeSantis is calling for Debbie Wasserman Schultz to testify before Congress over her relationship with a shady DNC IT staffer, as well as allegations he had access to sensitive Foreign Intelligence Committee emails while working for House Democrats.
GAME ON: Sean Spicer Tweets Hilarious Response to Maxine Waters
Outgoing Press Secretary Sean Spicer destroyed liberal firebrand Maxine Waters on twitter over the weekend, responding to Waters' allegations that Spicer and Vice President Pence were secretly "planning" for President Trump's impending impeachment.

Waters, infamous for referring to the Trump administration as a "bunch of scumbags" and the "Trump Family Criminal Enterprise," made the baseless post on twitter Saturday where she joked that Spicer was "somewhere planning an inauguration" after news broke that the President had replaced Reince Priebus as his Chief of Staff.
Priebus on Hannity: Kelly is 'Exactly' the Right Person to Lead White House
Former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus spoke with Sean during an exclusive interview on 'Hannity' Friday night, saying it was an "honor" to serve with President Trump and John Kelly is "exactly the type of person" needed to help run the White House.

"Reince Priebus can leave with his head held high tonight," said Sean. "He helped Republicans win the House, the Senate, and the White House. He's not responsible that they broke their promises."
WATCH: Chelsea Handler Calls Trump Serial Liar, Can't Give One Example
Hyper-liberal, far-left Comedian Chelsea Handler was left speechless during a political debate over the weekend, stumbling over her words and struggling to give just one example when pressed over her allegations that President Trump is a serial liar.

Speaking with conservative commentator Tomi Lahren at Politicon in Pasadena, California, Handler repeatedly made baseless accusations that the President routinely lied, adding his behavior didn't "make her feel safe."
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BREAKING:WikiLeaks Drops Mueller Bombshell, He Should Be Arrested

 campaign, the open source journalists at WikiLeaks provided invaluable information about the corrupt practices of Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Now, WikiLeaks is exposing the nefarious nature of special counsel Robert Mueller.
It seems that all the hoopla about Mueller being “independent” is false. In 2009, Mueller flew to Russia in order to deliver ten grams of highly enriched uranium (HEU) to the Kremlin, via WikiLeaks.
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Much like the Clintons, it seems that Mueller has more connections to Moscow than President Trump.
The origins of this story are highly consulted and would make for an excellent spy story.
In early 2006, the Republic of Georgia seized the HEU during a sting operation involving a Russian national and some Georgian accomplices. From there, the apprehended HEU was transferred to U.S. custody.Following Georgia’s approval of a Russian request to see and sample some of this HEU, Mueller flew out Moscow in order to deliver the samples to a Russian counterpart, via Gateway Pundit.
There are two very intriguing layers to this story.
First of all, although it is underreported in the American media, the Republic of Georgia has long had a problem with jihadist terrorism. Since the eruption of the two wars in Chechnya, plus the ongoing war in Dagestan, Chechen and other Caucasian Muslims have used Georgia as a hideout or a transit point.
In the nation’s Pankisi Gorge, several local Muslim families have sent their boys off to ISIS, via BBC.
Recognizing this, the US government created Operation Enduring Freedom – Pankisi Gorge in 2002. The program was designed to train and equip the Georgian military. This leaves open the possibility that the U.S. viewed this seized HEU as part of the ongoing War on Terror.
Finally, there is some evidence to show that Mueller’s mission in 2009 was orchestrated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Furthermore, Mueller’s position in the nexus between Russia and the Clinton camp may mean that he was involved in the handover of twenty-percent of America’s uranium supply to a Russian-owned energy company, via Infowars.
This is of course the shady business deal that earned the Clinton Foundation millions of dollars.
Given how bad this information makes Mueller and Clinton look, the mainstream media has completely underplayed or ignored the story. Now, with Republican lawmakers calling for a second special counsel to investigate former Obama administration officials and Clinton herself, there could be a chance that Mueller is called to testify.
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