Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Tuesday, August 1st
Hannity: We Now Have a 'Gutless, Spineless' Republican Party
During his opening monologue on 'Hannity' Monday night, Sean ripped "spineless" and "gutless" republicans for failing to implement President Trump's agenda, saying the GOP needs to "get to work" or risk losing control of Congress in 2018.
Top Republican Calls For Mueller To Resign As Special Counsel
Arizona Congressman Trent Franks is calling on Robert Mueller, special counsel for the Justice Department's investigation into Russia's election meddling, to resign, reports Fox News.
Scaramucci Speaks: The Mooch Makes First Public Remarks Since Leaving WH
Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci had nothing but nice words for incoming Chief of Staff John Kelly on Tuesday, wishing the former general well in his new White House position and saying he was "working on being the best person" he can be.

Entertainment news outlet TMZ caught up with the Mooch in Washington, DC as he was heading towards his car; security entourage in tow.
WATCH: GOP Senator Slams CNN for Burying Major Liberal Scandals
Republican Senator Ron Johnson lashed out at CNN for completely ignoring major scandals plaguing liberal lawmakers, saying the news outlet was burying stories related to opposition research firm Fusion GPS as well as Debbie Wasserman Schultz' shady IT staffer.

Speaking with CNN host Chris Cuomo, Johnson slammed the network over its obsession with President Trump's alleged ties with Russia, adding the network was covering non-existent scandals while ignoring real issues facing average Americans.
SESSIONS SMACKDOWN: Attorney General to Unveil Major Crackdown on Leakers
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is prepared to announce the Department of Justice's major crackdown on government leakers in the coming days; the latest signal that the Trump administration is pushing the reset button as John Kelly takes control as Chief of Staff.

According to Fox News, the four-star general will make plugging leakers, both inside and outside the Trump administration, his initial priority after taking the reins of the White House.
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