Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Tuesday, September 5th
IT'S OVER: Trump Administration Ends DACA
The Trump administration announced Tuesday the "orderly wind down" of Barack Obama's Deferred Acton for Childhood Arrivals program, saying the executive order was "unconstitutional" and can only be authorized by Congress, reports Fox News.
PUTIN BACKS KIM: Russian President Calls UN Sanctions 'Useless'
Russian President Vladimir Putin called additional United Nations sanctions against North Korea "useless and ineffective," saying the communist nation's leadership would rather "eat grass" than abandon its nuclear weapons program.
ON THE BRINK: North Korea Tests Hydrogen Bomb, Threatens US with War
North Korea promised to conduct future nuclear and missile tests following the communist nation's successful hydrogen bomb explosion over the weekend, warning the US it was prepared to send more "gift packages" to America and its allies, reports Reuters.

Han Tae Song, the North Korean ambassador to the United Nations, made the stark warning following a meeting of the UN Security Council, where US ambassador Nikki Haley bluntly stated that dictator Kim Jong Un was "begging" the United States for a nuclear war.
VILE: Democratic Chair Calls 'Rural' Voters 'White Supremacists'
The chairman of the Democratic Party in New Hampshire slammed his state's rural, "disaffected" population over the weekend, referring to the voters as "extremists" and "white supremacists" in a hate-filled post on social media.

Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley made the comments after Look Ahead America, a group aimed at mobilizing "disaffected, patriotic" voters, announced they would soon be opening offices throughout the Granite State.
President Trump RIPS Obama Over 'Unconstitutional' DACA Program
President Trump unloaded on his predecessor on Tuesday, defending his decision to rescind Barack Obama's DACA program and slamming the former President for "bypassing" Congress and "violating" the American democratic process.

The White House released an official statement following Attorney General Jeff Sessions announcement regarding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, saying the program would be phased-out over a six-month period.
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