Thursday, October 5, 2017


Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Thursday, October 5th
ESCAPE PLAN: Vegas Gunman Planned to Escape After Massacre
Federal investigators and Las Vegas police told reporters on Wednesday that the gunman behind the worst mass shooting in American history planned to escape following his deadly attack, but turned the gun on himself when SWAT teams closed in, reports Fox News.
Sheriff Says Vegas Gunman 'Had Some Help' in Mandalay Massacre
Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said Wednesday that his police department believes the gunman behind the worst mass shooting in American history "had some help" in planning his devastating rampage that left 59 people dead and over 500 injured.
NY Times Says 'Repeal the Second Amendment'
The New York Times took liberal calls for harsh gun restrictions to another level this week, saying it was time for the United States government to "repeal the Second Amendment" from the Constitution, effectively banning most citizens from obtaining any firearms.

The Times published the article, titled "Repeal the Second Amendment" on Thursday, saying "more guns mean more murder" and that it was time to re-examine what the nation's founders meant by giving all citizens the right to "bear arms."
Pelosi Thanks Illegal Immigrants for Breaking the Law
Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi thanked 'Dreamer' parents for breaking US law and bringing their children into the nation illegally on Wednesday, saying the nation "owes a debt" to the undocumented families.

The California Congresswoman expressed her gratitude during a televised town hall event on CNN, where she was asked whether President Trump or Congress was ready to move ahead on permanent DACA legislation.
Vegas Victim Stands to Meet Trump, Calls for National Unity
A victim of the deadly Las Vegas shooting with a shattered leg refused to "take a knee" when President Trump visited his hospital on Wednesday; getting out of bed and greeting the First Family in what he described as the "greatest honor in my life."

Thomas Gunderson was seriously injured when a lone gunman opened fire on a Las Vegas country music festival, escaping with his life but also a bullet wound to his leg. When Gunderson heard President Trump was visiting his hospital, the young man refused to remain seated; rising to greet the Commander-in-Chief.
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Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Thursday, October 5th
ESCAPE PLAN: Vegas Gunman Planned to Escape After Massacre
Federal investigators and Las Vegas police told reporters on Wednesday that the gunman behind the worst mass shooting in American history planned to escape following his deadly attack, but turned the gun on himself when SWAT teams closed in, reports Fox News.
Sheriff Says Vegas Gunman 'Had Some Help' in Mandalay Massacre
Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said Wednesday that his police department believes the gunman behind the worst mass shooting in American history "had some help" in planning his devastating rampage that left 59 people dead and over 500 injured.
NY Times Says 'Repeal the Second Amendment'
The New York Times took liberal calls for harsh gun restrictions to another level this week, saying it was time for the United States government to "repeal the Second Amendment" from the Constitution, effectively banning most citizens from obtaining any firearms.

The Times published the article, titled "Repeal the Second Amendment" on Thursday, saying "more guns mean more murder" and that it was time to re-examine what the nation's founders meant by giving all citizens the right to "bear arms."
Pelosi Thanks Illegal Immigrants for Breaking the Law
Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi thanked 'Dreamer' parents for breaking US law and bringing their children into the nation illegally on Wednesday, saying the nation "owes a debt" to the undocumented families.

The California Congresswoman expressed her gratitude during a televised town hall event on CNN, where she was asked whether President Trump or Congress was ready to move ahead on permanent DACA legislation.
Vegas Victim Stands to Meet Trump, Calls for National Unity
A victim of the deadly Las Vegas shooting with a shattered leg refused to "take a knee" when President Trump visited his hospital on Wednesday; getting out of bed and greeting the First Family in what he described as the "greatest honor in my life."

Thomas Gunderson was seriously injured when a lone gunman opened fire on a Las Vegas country music festival, escaping with his life but also a bullet wound to his leg. When Gunderson heard President Trump was visiting his hospital, the young man refused to remain seated; rising to greet the Commander-in-Chief.
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Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Monday, October 2nd
MASSACRE IN VEGAS: 50 Dead in Worst Mass Shooting in US History
A gunman opened fire on the world-famous Las Vegas strip on Sunday night; killing at least 50 people and injuring more than 400 in the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States, reports Fox News.
WHO IS STEPHEN PADDOCK? Here's What We Know about Vegas Gunman
The single suspect behind the deadly Las Vegas massacre that unfolded on Sunday evening has been identified as 64-year-old retiree Stephen Paddock; here's what we know about the lone gunman so far.
'SICK WORLD': Country Music Stars React to Vegas Massacre
Country music stars across the United States are speaking out following Sunday night's deadly shooting on the Las Vegas strip; posting their thoughts and prayers on social media in the aftermath of the attack that left at least 50 dead and over 400 injured.

The shooting took place during the Route 91 Harvest Festival on the world-famous Las Vegas strip, just outside the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino where the gunman launched his devastating assault around 10pm.

Country star Jason Aldean was performing at the time of the shooting, when the singer suddenly jumped to the side of the stage and the concert lights were turned off as bullets rained-down from a 32nd story hotel room.
Dems Renew Call for Gun Crackdown After Vegas Rampage
ithin hours of Sunday night's deadly rampage in Las Vegas, Hillary Clinton and other prominent Democrats renewed their calls for stricter gun regulations and controls; slamming the NRA and other Second Amendment advocates for making firearms "easier to get."

As in the wake of the devastating attack on Orlando's Pulse Nightclub, liberal lawmakers again called for harsher restrictions and guidelines for those seeking to purchase guns, ammunition, or firearm related accessories -such as suppressors and magazines.
Trump Addresses the Nation After Las Vegas Massacre
President Trump addressed the nation Monday morning, joining millions of Americans in grieving the loss of 50 people and the hundreds injured following Sunday night's devastating mass shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The President spoke from the White House, and expressed his "sadness, shock, and grief" over the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States, calling the attack "an act of pure evil."

"My fellow Americans, we are joined together today in sadness, shock, and grief. Last night a gunman opened fire on a large crowd at a country music concert in Las Vegas, Nevada. He brutally murdered more than 50 people and wounded hundreds more," said Trump.
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