Thursday, August 20, 2020


Palin Pulls No Punches — Shreds RINOs

Palin Pulls No Punches — Shreds RINOs

Daily Brew


Curiosity Stream

Good morning. Today is National Radio Day, so we gotta ask: Why is every country station 92.5 no matter where you go? 




- 0.57%



- 0.44%



- 0.30%



- 3.41%



+ 2.00 bps



- 0.23%

*As of market close

  • 2020: The Democrats rolled out their heavy hitters on the third night of the virtual DNC. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and VP pick Kamala Harris all made the case for Joe Biden while bashing President Trump.
  • Economy: Yesterday, the Fed released the most closely read minutes of any meeting in the world. The central bank left it pretty vague per usual, confirming that the coronavirus pandemic will “weigh heavily” on the economy in the short term, and posed “considerable risks” in the medium term.


Apple’s Stock Must Be Using One of Those Big Charging Blocks

Gold Apple

Francis Scialabba

Apple’s market cap surpassed $2 trillion for the first time yesterday, cementing its status as the biggest company in the world. Its stock, which will undergo a 4-1 split in the coming weeks, has increased over 50% in 2020. 

Apple wasn’t the first to break the $2 trillion valuation mark—that honor goes to the oil conglomerate Saudi Aramco—and it (probably) won’t be the last. Big Tech buddies Amazon and Microsoft are both sitting at valuations around $1.6 trillion.

  • A crazy stat: it took Apple 42 years to reach a $1 trillion valuation, but only two years after that to break $2 trillion.  

How’d Apple do it?

Pretty much by just being Apple. The iPhone maker hasn’t released an entirely new product since the HomePod in 2018, mostly focusing on tweaking or updating existing lines. But if there is one thing Apple does well, it’s make money: Despite the pandemic, Apple’s Q3 profits rose 12% while sales of every single product increased. 

But it doesn’t just sell iPhones: Part of investors’ Apple fever has been fueled by CEO Tim Cook’s increased focus on its services business that includes Apple Music, Apple TV+, iCloud, and the App Store. In 2017, Cook outlined his goal to double 2016 services revenue by 2020, which he achieved six months ahead of schedule. 

  • It was a prescient move. With iPhone sales plateauing worldwide, Cook’s pivot has investors valuing Apple less like a hardware company and more like a software one.

There will always be controversy

After Cook testified in the antitrust showdown with Congress last month, Fortnite creator Epic Games poked the bear by attempting to circumvent Apple’s 30% cut of in-app purchases. But even as other developers have joined in to criticize Apple’s alleged monopolistic control of the app marketplace, investors remain unfazed. 

Looking ahead...Apple optimism continues to abound. The iPhone 12 coming this fall is widely expected to come equipped with 5G connectivity.



Airbnb's Doing the IPO Thing

SUN VALLEY, ID - JULY 08:  Brian Chesky, co-founder and CEO of Airbnb, a...

Scott Olson/Getty Images

A collapsed travel industry, 25% of its workforce laid off...Airbnb swept it all aside like it’s preparing for an 11am checkout.

Yesterday, the short-term home rental company filed confidential paperwork to go public, a big step that’s been rumored for years.

  • Things were looking hairy as the coronavirus decimated the travel industry in March/April. However, the company rebounded thanks to increased demand for rural rental properties.
  • It’s still a shell of its former self. Airbnb was last valued at $18 billion when it raised money this spring—only about half its valuation in 2017. 

You buying?



Additional Maserati Parking Space Needed in Southampton

Simpsons GIF of rich students


The CEOs of America's largest companies got a major pay bump (14% on average) from 2018–2019, according to a new study from the Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning think tank. 

Why? The study’s authors say the increase in realized compensation stems from 1) the power CEOs have to set their own pay and 2) stock-based compensation accounting for a major slice of CEO income. That means execs make more $$$ when their company's stock price jumps, rather than hitting other benchmarks.

  • The authors expect CEO pay to leap again in 2020 for that reason—they're paid in stock, and the S&P just reached an all-time high. 

Why it matters: “Exorbitant CEO pay is a major contributor to rising inequality that we could safely do away with,” the authors argue. To take the long view, CEO pay increased 1,167% from 1978 to 2019, but the typical worker's pay grew a measly 13.7% over the same time span, according to the study's calculations. 

Why it hits different in the COVID era: Some economists are forecasting a “K-shaped” recovery, where those at the top get richer and those at the bottom fall even further behind.



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Curiosity Stream

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Obviously, you can watch CuriosityStream from anywhere at any time on any device. Did you really think these genius curators don’t have the tech to pull that off? Please.

Watch with the geniuses for only $14.99 for the whole year with the code “Brew” at checkout.


Move Fast and Break Up Conspiracy Groups

A Trump supporter holding a QAnon flag

Scott Olson/Getty Images

Yesterday, Facebook brought the dislike button down on people using its platform to advance harmful beliefs and inaccurate information. The social media giant... 

  • Booted 1,950 groups, 440 pages, and over 10,000 Instagram accounts tied to QAnon, the movement associated with the conspiracy theory that a worldwide network of devil-worshipping pedophiles are trying to take down President Trump, among other outlandish and inaccurate theories.
  • Facebook also said it would remove 980 other groups related to potentially violent militias and protest movements, including the far-left group antifa. 

The backstory: The social isolation and economic strain caused by the pandemic have boosted QAnon’s following. Activity on the largest QAnon Facebook groups grew between 200% and 300% in the last six months, according to a NYT analysis

At a press conference yesterday, President Trump said he didn't know a lot about QAnon except that its supporters "like me very much." 

Bottom line: QAnon’s explosive recent growth was clearly a bridge too far for Facebook to ignore. But by policing dangerous beliefs, it’s proving that it’s willing to...police beliefs, a break from past positions.



What Is a Spinoff and Should GM Do It?

GM’s stock got a nice little bump this week after analysts tossed around the idea that the American carmaker could spin off its fledgling electric vehicle division. But what exactly is a spinoff and why might GM be interested?

A spinoff is when a company breaks off a portion of its operations and turns it into a separate entity with its own management and ownership structure. 

  • Spinoffs can be helpful because 1) it lets each business focus on what they're best at and 2) in theory, it gives the spun-off asset more room to grow. 
  • Morning Brew, for example, could spin off our swag business if it distracted us from writing newsletters and we thought it could eventually go toe-to-toe with Lululemon.

Morgan Stanley estimates GM’s electric vehicle business, which hopes to have 20 fully electric models by 2023, to be worth $20 billion as a standalone unit. 

Call it the Tesla effect: When an all-electric car company is worth 8x as much as you, you take a hint. By spinning off its EV unit, GM might better compete with its suddenly much larger sibling.



A Videogame...or a Religion?

Flight Simulator screenshot


If you’re the type of person who starts drooling every time you hear the word “fuselage,” Microsoft just left your roommate a puddle to mop off the floor. On Tuesday, the company released the latest edition of Flight Simulator, its videogame that allows players to take control of a virtual airplane cockpit and fly anywhere on Earth. 

Microsoft’s digital rendering of our planet is incredibly realistic, turning even the most cynical tech writers into philosophers:

  • “The game plunged me into sustained meditations on the permeability between the real world and the online one.”—NYT op-ed
  • Flight may provide the most vivid, consumer-friendly demonstration in years of how the bleeding edge of modern technology can provide fundamentally new human experiences.”—Protocol
  • “The visual fidelity is expletive-worthy.”—The Air Current

Bottom line: Released in 1982, Flight Simulator is older than Microsoft products Windows, Word, and Office. But perhaps none have aged so gracefully.



  • Target continued the big box momentum, posting its largest-ever quarterly increase in sales yesterday. 
  • Nvidia's data-center business did more in sales last quarter than its core gaming unit for the first time ever.
  • President Trump called for a boycott on Goodyear after an image appeared to show a policy that deemed “MAGA Attire” unacceptable. The company said the slide in question was not “created or distributed by Goodyear corporate.”
  • Wildfires continued to rage across California, blanketing San Francisco in smoke.
  • Johnson & Johnson agreed to buy Momenta Pharmaceuticals, a company working on treatments for rare diseases, for $6.5 billion.
  • Instagram released a new feature that could keep you scrolling for even longer.


Quicken Loans

You know what can improve your home improvement plans? Cash. Quicken Loans is giving away cash prizes totaling $4,750 to help you check some things off your constantly-growing home to-do list. The prizes could be released at any moment, so sign up now.


Buying crypto is hard: The app Coinbase tries to make it simple, it doing a good job? This article breaks down how Coinbase works and teaches you a lot about app UX along the way. 

New comics: 1) What It’s Like to Lose Your First Language 2) The Great Escape (about Harry and Meghan’s English exit)

Cleaning aisle still sparse at your local convenience store? Try making your own disinfectant spray and all-purpose cleaner. You can even DIY cleaning wipes.


The following chart represents U.S. Google search interest for gin, tequila, whiskey, and vodka over the last five years. Can you pick out which color corresponds to which liquor? 

Neal Freyman/Google Trends


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Yellow is whiskey, green is vodka, red is tequila, and blue is gin.

H/t to Chartr for the idea

August 20
Eero Saarinen in a womb chair

Eero Saarinen

During the Viking 1 mission, samples of Mars's surface were collected.
Viking 1 launched

Britannica Premium for only $49.99 a year
Jerry Lewis in The Disorderly Orderly
2017: American comedian and actor Jerry Lewis, who was known for his unrestrained comic style and his numerous movies with Dean Martin, died at age 91. [Take our quiz about A-list actors.]
B.K.S. Iyengar
2014: Indian teacher B.K.S. Iyengar, who helped popularize Yoga (a system of Indian philosophy) in the West, died at the age of 95. [Sort fact from fiction in our quiz about India.]
Phyllis Diller
2012: American comedienne and actress Phyllis Diller—who was one of the first female stand-up comics, noted for her raucous personality and self-deprecating humour—died in Los Angeles. [Test your knowledge of pop culture.]
Soviet invasion of Prague
1968: The Warsaw Pact nations (except Romania and Albania), led by the Soviet Union, invaded Czechoslovakia to put an end to the Prague Spring.
1960: Senegal seceded from the Mali Federation, declaring its full independence. [ Sort fact from fiction in our quiz about Africa.]
Leon Trotsky
1940: Leon Trotsky was assassinated by a Stalinist agent in Mexico. [Learn the answers to five important questions about Leon Trotsky.]
Amy Adams
American actress
H.P. Lovecraft
American writer
David O. Russell
American director and screenwriter
Ron Paul
American politician
Rajiv Gandhi
prime minister of India
Don King
American boxing promoter
The Post Office Conspiracy Is First Class Stupidity

Kurt Schlichter

How About Democrats Pay KKK Reparations to Black Republicans?

Larry O'Connor

A Sort-of goodbye to Germany?

Victor Davis Hanson

Democrats Sure Hate America

Derek Hunter

The Political Myth of 'Nice'

Chris Stigall

Networks Are Trying to BAN Bill O'Reilly's Money Message

Sponsored by: Oxford Club

The Jared Kushner Achievement Award Goes to ... Kamala!

Ann Coulter

More Random Thoughts When Not Out Protesting

Larry Elder

Post-Abortive Women Challenge Writer Calling Abortion Her ‘Best Decision’

Katie Yoder

President Trump’s Iran Legacy

Ken Blackwell

It's Time to Rethink Campus Policies

Laura Hollis

The California Transgender Bill That Should Alarm All Americans

Jane Robbins

New Research Confirms Wealth Tax's Deleterious Effects

Veronique de Rugy

State and Commerce Declare War on Chinese Malware and Malgear

Austin Bay

Democratic Convention Ignores the Elephant in the Virtual Room: Big-city Violence

John Kass

The Green New Deal Means Monumental Disruption

Paul Driessen

The Wretched Ghislaine Maxwell, Friend of Bill

Emmett Tyrrell

Empathy and Elegance Vs. Policy and Performance

Jackie Gingrich Cushman

The Overzealous Cancel Culture

Armstrong Williams

Two Miles from North America’s Oldest Elected Body, Richmond Neighborhood Cowers in Fear

Martha Boneta

Mail-in Voting Part I: The End of America’s Election Legitimacy

James McCoy

Will the Anarchist Violence in Our Cities Turn Women Into Trump Voters?

Joy Overbeck

How AARP Puts Profits over Patients—And Principles

Chris Jacobs

The Source of Republican Problems

Cal Thomas

Trump Administration Should Reject Foreign Prescription Drug Price Controls

Pete Sepp

Biden and Harris Want to Take This Disastrous California Policy Nationwide

Isabelle Morales

We’re on the Eve of Destruction Again

Michael Brown

Joe Biden, and Democrats in General, are Incapable of Misdeeds

Jeff Davidson

George Washington’s Admonition to America

Jerry Newcombe

Is Biden the Worst Democratic Nominee in a Generation?

Eddie Zipperer

The Dem Convention Sucks

M.D. Kittle

Gov. Evers: Saying Abortionists 'Execute Babies' Is 'Blasphemy'
Trump blasts Schiff as 'political hack'

Pelosi's condescension offers some laughs
Pelosi open to border infrastructure
How To Invest For The Coming Inflation

The Real Cause Of Coronavirus Deaths

More Blacks Die During Surgery – Defund the Surgeons?

Microsoft Excel And The S&P 500

President Trump Shredded Obama's Entire DNC Speech With One Tweet

Matt Vespa

These Are the Gun Control Initiatives Biden and Harris Will Push Along with Giffords' Help

Beth Baumann

Kamala Harris Forgets Disagreements with Biden in Her VP Acceptance Speech

Reagan McCarthy

In DNC Speech, Obama Spends Most of His Minutes Tearing Down Trump

Cortney O'Brien

Russia, the Popular Vote, and Hatred of Trump: Hillary Clinton Plays the Hits for the DNC

Ellie Bufkin

Did Anyone Notice This Odd Part About Liz Warren’s DNC Speech?

Matt Vespa

The First State Orders All Students to Receive Flu Vaccine by the End of the Year

Bronson Stocking

What a Doozy: Cher Becomes Completely Unhinged Over the USPS

Beth Baumann

What a Baby: Hillary's Reaction to James Comey's Tweet Means She *Still* Has Not Moved on from 2016

Matt Vespa

Nightmare for Democrats: The Impact of a Wretched Law in California Could Send Voters Running

Ellie Bufkin

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Gun Charge Dropped Against Chicago-Area State Rep | Cam Edwards

Suspect Busted After Allegedly Stealing Guns From Outdoor Store | Tom Knighton

How A Study Accidentally Proves Gun Control Isn't Needed | Tom Knighton

Detroit 2A Hero Trains Hundreds Of Women With Free Gun Class | Cam Edwards

Cuomo Says It's Time To "Reimagine Policing" As Shootings Spike In NY's Capital City | Cam Edwards


Donald Trump, Jr. to Democrats: ‘If You Can Loot in Person, You Can Vote in Person’
Trump vows to work with Kimberly Klacik to ‘bring Baltimore back’
Rice: U.S. Will Be ‘Unsalvageable,’ ‘Irreparably Damaged’ if Trump Reelected
Cher Looks Into Volunteering at the Post Office
Trump administration announces ‘largest’ historic expansion of hunting, fishing on 2.3 million public acres

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