Wednesday, October 7, 2020





Daily Brew



Good morning. We hope this email finds you well. It’s often difficult to come up with original ways to start this newsletter, so today we’re circling back with as generic an email greeting as possible (ccing Ted for visibility). 

Please let us know how we may assist—we’ll be available at 6am tomorrow or at your earliest convenience. Thanks again!

With our warmest sincere regards, 

Best and thanks again,

Alex, Eliza, and Neal




- 1.57%



- 1.40%



- 1.34%



- 1.38%



- 3.60 bps



+ 2.12%

*As of market close

  • 2020: The VP debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris is tonight. President Trump, back at the White House after being hospitalized with Covid-19, said he planned to attend next week’s presidential debate in Miami.
  • Economy: The U.S. trade deficit ($67.1 billion) grew to its highest level in 14 years. The deficit measures the difference in value between a country’s exports and its imports. If the deficit gets too big, it could hamper economic growth.

Anna Moneymaker/Pool/Getty Image

Yesterday afternoon, President Trump told his representatives to pause negotiations on a new pandemic relief bill until after the election, tweeting, "after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business." 

Markets did their best Grand Canyon impression. The Dow swung as much as 600 points lower and the S&P took a skinny dip too:

Google Finance

It was...unexpected

Last week, Trump threw his support behind a $1.6 trillion package and tweeted "GET IT DONE" from the hospital on Saturday.

So what happened? Trump said yesterday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wasn't negotiating "in good faith" and was trying to bail out Democrat-controlled states with "money that is in no way related to Covid-19." 

That's far from the end of the story, though. Later last night, Trump tweeted that Congress should pass payroll support for airlines and small businesses that he'd "sign now." He also said he'd support $1,200 stimulus checks sent out to the American people "IMMEDIATELY." This, of course, contradicted his tweets from a few hours earlier, so it's safe to say no one really knows the president's stance on the timing of more aid. 

But the stakes are incredibly high

Trump's initial tweets came hours after a Powellful warning from the Federal Reserve. In a virtual speech before the National Association for Business Economics, Chair Jerome Powell said businesses and households are facing a "weak recovery" that will cause "unnecessary hardship" unless the government offers more support.

Powell praised lawmakers for their "innovative" bills earlier this year. But not afraid to wield the carrot and the stick, he warned that initial gains could stall as businesses reopen to weak demand. And if the recovery slows, a "tragic" escalation of existing racial and wealth inequalities could come. 

His main point: Lawmakers need to do something. "Even if policy actions ultimately prove to be greater than needed, they will not go to waste." 



The pandemic may have delayed weddings and the Masters, but it did not throw off track House Democrats’ plans to deliver a spanking to Big Tech firms over alleged anticompetitive behavior.

After a 16-month investigation, they released their findings in a 449-page report yesterday. The high-level takeaway? Facebook, Apple, Google, and Amazon all enjoy monopoly power in certain sectors and should be forced to split their online businesses from other units.

Here’s what the panel had to say:

  • “Companies that once were scrappy, underdog startups that challenged the status quo have become the kinds of monopolies we last saw in the era of oil barons and railroad tycoons.”
  • “These firms have too much power, and that power must be reined in and subject to appropriate oversight and enforcement.” 

Bottom line: If adopted, this proposal would amount to the “most significant changes to federal antitrust rules in decades,” writes Politico. That’s a big if—GOP lawmakers could push back on the more drastic recommendations.


Francis Scialabba

Today, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Oracle's consequential legal case against Google. 

  • At issue: Oracle is demanding $9 billion in damages over what it calls illegal use of its software. Some have called it the "copyright case of the century," and it's been marinating awhile; the case was filed in 2010. 

The backstory: To make the operating system for its Android smartphone, Google developers used a component—the application programming interface, or API—of the programming language and development platform Java. Oracle now owns Java. 

So Oracle says it's owed $$$. A jury sided with Google initially, but then two appeals court decisions favored Oracle. Google says its use of the API is protected by what lawyers call "fair use."

A lot is at stake here. APIs are a central, if legally hazy, pillar of modern software development—developers have assumed they're fair game for ~20 years. Experts worry an Oracle win would mean the consolidation of legal power among Big Tech's software giants and a rockier path for startups. 



Of Course We Use Slack


When we mention Slack in our e-newsletters, we aren’t just name dropping the most productive platform ever known to office-kind. At the Brew, we actually rely on Slack to Get. Stuff. Done. 

So what exactly do we do on Slack

In short: everything. 

In long: Slack lets us collaborate as a team, stay organized, and avoid the dreaded workplace email-overload. As the new way to communicate, Slack replaces email with something faster, better organized, and more secure.

From meaningful conversations about business goals to meme-ingful conversations with our teammates, Slack keeps us on task and makes us feel connected. It’s almost like we never really left the office.

Plus, it’s all integrated. Slack lets you attach info from thousands of apps, share files, and make phone calls (whatever those are). It connects to everything you need to get your work done.

See how Slack can become your company’s new HQ today.


Ikea's Looking Sturdier Than a Bror Work Bench

Anyone who doubts shoppers' willingness to visit stores in-person should drop by their local Ikea on a Saturday. Yesterday, the Swedish furniture retailer announced that massive demand for home furnishings has kept it on track to open a record 50+ locations this year. 

Still, after decades of serving customers a store experience as consistent as its meatballs, it's ready to mix things up: 

  • Under Ikea's "total market approach," the company is supplementing its suburban warehouse mazes with city showrooms and expanded online fulfillment. 
  • It's also adding kitchen planning studios, services such as furniture assembly and rental, and tech-savvy tools for customers. 
  • Plus: meat-less meatballs

Even as online sales surged 45% for the fiscal year ended in August, store closures this spring did hurt Ikea's total revenue. But the company still managed to welcome 825 million visitors, and consumers have flocked back for Fjällbo since lockdowns lifted. 

Bottom line: The outlook hasn't been this good for Ikea since Netflix dropped Tidying Up with Marie Kondo




Yesterday, Boeing said that over the next decade global airlines will need 11% fewer planes than previously forecast, reflecting a staggering and persistent drop in air passenger traffic.

Meanwhile, private jet takeoffs and landings are projected to rebound to pre-pandemic levels by next summer.


VCG/Getty Images

Yesterday, the U.S. DOJ arrested early tech entrepreneur John McAfee in Spain. 

  • McAfee made his fortune with the computer virus-fighting software you remember from fifth grade computer class, but he hasn't been associated with it since the '90s. 

The charges: tax evasion, per an indictment from June that was unsealed yesterday. It alleges that from 2014 to 2018, McAfee dodged the tax man by funneling payments through bank accounts set up by other people, dealing in crypto, and buying assets (including a yacht) under other people's names.

  • He may have a hard time pleading poor—during those years McAfee made over $23 million from selling the rights to his life story, consulting, and other work, according to the indictment. 

Zoom out: This guy is what your mom calls "quite the character." In 2012, he was linked to the death of his neighbor in Belize, then showed up in Guatemala, where he was arrested on immigration charges. He then laid low until 2016, when he launched a bid for the U.S. presidency on the Libertarian ticket.


Today's Top Headline

Trump leaves Walter Reed amid coronavirus treatment

Ballot Harvesting, Poll Watchers, Red Mirage and Other Terms You Need to Know This Election



Tired Of Cleaning Your Gutters? Stop The Clogs Forever with Gutter Guard Protection



Indiana Vote-By-Mail Requests Beat Records Amid Push From Democrats and GOP

Head of Instagram warns potential TikTok ban would set ‘powerful precedent’

Trump tells Americans don’t let coronavirus ‘dominate you’ following his hospital release

A Literal Child and His Mom Sue Nintendo Over ‘Joy-Con Drift’


The Brief Podcast: Hatred & Hysteria Greet President Trump’s Covid Diagnosis
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Second Term?
 Trump DeserveS YES
VOTE 2020 

GREEN LIGHT: Doctors Give Pence Go-Ahead to Debate Kamala Harris, No Need to Isolate
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From the Desk of Jim Jordan

Fellow Conservative:

This is a defining moment in our nation's history. What we choose this election will define the kind of country we have and that we leave as legacy for future generations.

It's time to reopen, rebuild, and restore our country and that will only happen if we have strong leadership.

Specifically, we must defend and rapidly grow the number of conservatives in Congress so we have leaders who will stand with President Trump and fight for a free America.

Please join me in supporting a group of conservative candidates by making a contribution to the House Freedom Fund.

Your support will help elect leaders who will fight to...

✅ Get the country back to work
✅ Allow free people and free markets to create jobs
✅ Expand health care freedom
✅ Protect our civil liberties from authoritarian politicians
✅ Hold China and the WHO accountable

Make no mistake, achieving these goals won't be easy.

Liberals want America to become a socialist country where the elites tell us when we can leave our homes, how we can practice our faith, and who is allowed to work and prosper.

They see COVID-19 as an opportunity to fundamentally change America, but we can stop them if we take action right now.

Please answer the call and make a contribution today!

Working together, we will not only rebuild our economy and strengthen our health care system, but we will also spread the message to millions of Americans that our country is most secure when it's most free.

Thank you for considering this urgent request and for doing so much to make our country great.


U.S. Congressman, R-Ohio









It's Time for Conservatives to Stand Together and Fight.

Katie Pavlich

Trump Does Not Have COVID; COVID Has Him

Kurt Schlichter

Fear Versus Freedom

Larry O'Connor

The Fight for Free Speech

Walter E. Williams

If Trump Loses, It's on Trump

Ben Shapiro

While Martha McSally Has Angered the Chi-Coms, Mark Kelly Has Partnered with Them

Brad Slager

New York: the Example America Should Not Follow

Star Parker

Global Discrimination Against Conservatives Fuels Worldwide Lockdowns

Douglas MacKinnon

Enough With Fraudulent Biden 'Town Halls'

Tim Graham

Pelosi's Devilish Demands

Betsy McCaughey

Do Four People Have a Right to Marry One Another?

Terry Jeffrey

For China, the Quad Is a Diplomatic and Military Double Whammy

Austin Bay

An Overdue Rebuke to Politicians Who Think Anything Goes in a Pandemic

Jacob Sullum

Ohio State Prof. Succumbs to Intellectually Debilitating Disease After Praising College Football

Bob Barr

Bipartisan Tobacco 21 Bill Helps Leads to a Decrease in Teen Vaping

Jesse Grady

It’s Time to Lift the Veil on George Soros

Frank Wright

Lawmakers Create Legal Protections for Sex Traffickers While California Burns

John Cox

Failure to Protect the President

John and Andy Schlafly

It’s Time to End Surprise Medical Billing

Jesse Grady

Policymakers Try to Hike Tax Bills at Worst Possible Time

Ross Marchand

My Message to ‘Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden’

Michael Brown

Gov. Evers: Saying Abortionists 'Execute Babies' Is 'Blasphemy'
Trump blasts Schiff as 'political hack'

Pelosi's condescension offers some laughs
Pelosi open to border infrastructure
Post Election Violence?

The Democrat Party Killed the Conservative Dream of MLK Jr.

The Case For Trump

Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Expects Global Cooling

Pethealth Inc. is Recognized for Best Workplace Culture at the Canadian HR Awards | Personal Finance

The Most Important Thing On The Ballot This Year

WATCH: 'Everytown' Staffer Admits the Group Is Scheming Voters and Is Afraid the NRA Will Find Out

Beth Baumann

Prepare for More Declassified Info on Russia Collusion and Hillary's Emails

Beth Baumann

NC Sen: Texts Show Cunningham's Mistress Confirms Adulterous Affair

Reagan McCarthy

Biden Now Has a Requirement for the Next Debate

Beth Baumann

BREAKING: Top White House Aide Is Positive for Wuhan Coronavirus

Beth Baumann

Kaepernick's New Anti-Police Movement Is Straight Garbage

Beth Baumann

The McCloskeys Are Not Out of the Woods Yet

Matt Vespa

The Press Pool Needs to Stop Whining About How They're Treated at the White House

Ellie Bufkin

Leader McConnell Signals Support For President Trump's Move to End COVID-19 Relief Negotiations

Reagan McCarthy

War for the White House Podcast: President Trump Leaves Walter Reed, VP Debate Preview

Ellie Bufkin

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Is Right To Armed Self-Defense Obsolete? | Tom Knighton

FEC Complaint Filed Over Fact-Check On Kamala Harris' 2A Views | Cam Edwards

Breaking: McCloskeys Indicted On Felony Charges | Cam Edwards

Can Rural PA Swing The Keystone State For Trump? | Cam Edwards

The Right To Carry Revolution Nears The 20-Million Mark | Cam Edwards

Trump Has Declassified Documents Related to Russia, Clinton Email Probes

Bill Gates Says Wealthy West Won’t Get ‘Back To Normal’ Until Late 2021

BLM Co-Founder Rips Apart Joe Biden

Top infectious disease experts launch drive to end lockdowns

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