Friday, April 16, 2021


Democrats Making NEW Moves to Pack the Supreme Court

The "Great Reset" started on January 20th with the inauguration of Joe Biden. Between now and the midterms, the American economy could be reshaped forever – and renowned analyst Jeff Brown has found the "lynchpin" to the entire plan.


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Breaking Now: Biden's Disturbing Plan to "Reset" America 

Daily Brew


Heineken 0.0

Good morning. Almost four years after their Bahamian paradise getaway turned into a scene out of Black Mirror, a group of Fyre Festival attendees reached a settlement for $7,220/apiece. You know what they say: Justice isn't always there when you call, but it's always on time.




+0.4 bps


*Stock data as of market close, cryptocurrency data as of 11:00pm ET. Here's what these numbers mean.

  • Markets: Stocks hit record highs and the Dow surpassed 34,000 points for the first time. Dogecoin went absolutely parabolic for reasons unbeknownst to us. 
  • Economy: Retail sales spiked 9.8% in March and last week's jobless claims fell to a pandemic-era low. Something is working for the US economy, and that something is likely stimulus + vaccines.
  • Covid: India's outbreak is on an alarming trajectory, topping 200,000 daily cases yesterday. France became the third country in Europe (after the UK and Italy) to record 100,000 Covid deaths. And the Biden administration said a third "booster" shot will likely be necessary 9–12 months after someone's been fully vaccinated.


Got Wood?

An illustration of the wooden frame of a house in front of a lavender background. In front of the house is a red sign with four $ printed on it.

Francis Scialabba

Yesterday, lumber futures hit $1,260 per thousand board feet on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. If that sounds like a lot, well, it is—an all-time high.

Lumber prices have soared during the pandemic. Last April, that same order would've cost just $358.

If you think this doesn't affect probably haven't been house hunting recently. Astronomical lumber prices have added $24,000 to the cost of a typical single-family home and $9,000 per apartment, according to the National Association of Home Builders.

What's going on?

1. The pandemic. At its outset, Covid forced many mills to temporarily close. When historically low mortgage rates met a summer wave of homebuying, renovations, and DIY-ing, producers were unprepared for the demand surge. 

Lumber prices kept rising during the winter months, so homebuilders and lumber yards delayed their purchases, hoping prices would come down. Now, with the busy spring/summer building season ahead, homebuilders and lumber yards are rushing to get coveted boards, driving prices even higher.

2. The plague. Not the human one. Since the 1990s, warmer winters have caused mountain beetles to spread further across British Columbia, infecting more forests. Their arboreal appetites have diminished harvests. 

  • Somewhat ironically, in Europe, a different beetle plague is also getting worse and forcing loggers to cut down infected trees before the wood becomes unusable. As the US looks for more supply, Europe has extra to export.

3. Labor. Mills could theoretically produce more...except some are facing labor shortages. While the job can include lots of Vitamin D and flannel, low pay and the difficult, sometimes dangerous work required has pinched manpower.

Bottom line: The number of homes for sale continues to sit near a record low. While that should be a dream for construction businesses, rising prices and tight inventories for lumber and other building materials have made it more expensive for builders and, in turn, created an affordability crisis for buyers. 



Bezos Is too Good at Goodbyes

Jeff Bezos smiling

picture alliance/Getty Images

When Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos wrote his first letter to shareholders, the year was 1997, the company was doing $148 million in annual revenue, and an "important" strategic partnership with America Online was just inked. 

In his final letter before he steps down as CEO, published yesterday, Bezos noted $45 billion in revenue for Amazon Web Services alone, 200 million Amazon Prime members, and 1.3 million employees globally. 

And reflections on those employees accounted for most of what Bezos wrote. He discussed the recent union vote in Bessemer, AL, which Amazon defeated but that nonetheless drew national attention to employees' frustrations with working conditions. Bezos admitted, "We need a better vision for how we create value for employees—a vision for their success." 

  • Amazon is the second-largest private employer in the US behind Walmart. It hired 500,000 people just last year as the pandemic juiced demand for online shopping.

Parting thoughts: If there was one thing Bezos wanted to get across in this letter, it's to embrace what makes you, you. He wrote, "The world wants you to be typical–in a thousand ways, it pulls at you. Don't let it happen."

Read the entire letter.



Watch Earth Go Back to the Future

Timelapse of effects from mining in Wright, Wyoming

Google Earth Timelapse shows effects of mining in Wright, Wyoming

If you weren't stressed enough about climate change, Google Earth just released its latest feature, Timelapse, to really make you sweat. With over 24 million satellite photos compiled into an interactive 4D experience, it's one of the clearest visuals yet of how our planet has changed over the past four decades. Users can toggle from the devastation from Australian wildfires to the rapid growth of San Francisco on the same screen.

Google didn't create it just to hurt you. The company wanted to build a tool for governments, researchers, journalists, and teachers to witness the "rapid environmental change in the past half-century."

How it came to be: Google partnered with organizations including NASA and the US Geological Survey's Landsat program to collect images from 1984–2020 of every location on Earth—yes, even Nebraska. Google said the project took 2 million processing hours across thousands of machines, but stuck to its green commitment and used 100% renewable energy.

Bottom line: Easily accessible collections of clear satellite images might be the strongest tool in the fight against climate change.



Don’t Waste Your Time Getting Wasted

Heineken 0.0

If time is money, then Heineken 0.0 is the gold standard of beverages that you can (and should) enjoy while doing, well, pretty much anything. It’s the refreshing, balanced taste of Heineken, without any alcohol.

With Heineken 0.0, you can drink on the job. Grab a mug and write your boss the most articulate, grammatically-correct email they’ve ever read. Drink a Heineken 0.0 and go on to crush your very big, very important, career-defining presentation.

Heck, you can even down a Heineken 0.0 and then hang 10 (we think that means surf). Or channel surf while you savor the magnum opus of beer flavor

And at only 69 calories, you’re basically out of reasons not to live your life with a Heineken 0.0 in hand. 

Grab a pack of buzz-free Heineken 0.0 today—or better yet, get it delivered.


Key Performance Indicators

Stonks meme


Stat: Charles Schwab added more clients in Q1 of 2021 (3.2 million) than in all of 2020. Why? Greater interest in high-growth tech companies and meme stocks, said the CEO. 

Quote: "We are grateful for all feedback."

Maybe. The BBC said that it received 109,741 complaints over its wall-to-wall coverage of Prince Philip's death, making it the most complained-about programming decision in the company's 98-year history. 

Read: How Tiger Global is disrupting venture capital. (The Valley of Dunning–Kruger)



The Benz Has Gone Electric

The Mercedes-Benz 2022 Luxury electric sedan EQS


In a win for cool dads everywhere, Mercedes-Benz revealed its new 2022 EQS luxury electric sedan yesterday. The model is scheduled to hit car dealerships in the fall and represents the first of nine electric vehicles the German auto brand plans to release within the year. 

The EQS can get an impressive 478 miles of range by European standards, but that number is expected to go down when it's tested in the US. There's a chance it could still beat out Tesla’s longest-range Model S, but we'll leave I-80 to settle that debate. Other features include:

  • A 56-inch “Hyperscreen” dashboard consisting of three different screens for passengers to watch Justice League the way Zach Snyder intended.
  • Automatic doors.
  • Hot stone seat massagers.

Zoom out: Its two-tone paint job is cool, but the most interesting part of the EQS is what it means for other legacy car companies trying to transition away from combustion engines. If EVs are the future of driving, luxury brands need to get it in gear.



Every Step You Take, We'll Be Quizzing You

Weekly news quiz

Francis Scialabba

The feeling of getting a 5/5 on the Brew's Weekly News Quiz has been compared to leaving a cookie in milk for just the right amount of time.

It's that satisfying. Ace the quiz.


  • China's economy grew 0.6% in Q1 quarter-over-quarter and a record 18.3% from Q1 2020, when the coronavirus led to severe lockdowns.
  • The US slapped sanctions on dozens of Russian nationals and companies over election-meddling and cyber attacks. 
  • Citi and Bank of America continued the run of strong bank earnings.
  • Walmart has made an investment in Cruise, the autonomous vehicle company backed by GM.
  • Delta posted a $1.2 billion loss last quarter, but said it could return to profitability by late summer.


This guy’s up 27,521% on Netflix. It’s David Gardner, one of the founders of The Motley Fool. Now he’s issued a “Buy Alert” for a recent IPO stock. So, yeah, you may want to listen. It’s only available to members of Motley Fool Stock Advisor—sign up today. [Returns as of 3/22/21]*

Make your portfolio a work of art. Yieldstreet can help you diversify your portfolio across asset classes like art, commercial real estate, and more. Their curated offerings target annual returns of 7%–15%, with $1.8 billion already invested on their platform to-date. Get active with Yieldstreet here.*

Follow Friday: Ready for a TikTok grab bag? Beekeeping, architecture, epic commercials, happy tears, so angy, and Kiera Knightly 2.0

DIY: If you’re planning on having a Spring Cleaning Weekend, check out iFixit, a website dedicated to helping you fix all the random stuff around your home.

*This is sponsored advertising content





BREAKING: Hillary’s Attorney Inserts Himself Into Arizona Senate Audit

Drone Images Reveal Biden’s Migrant Camp In TX Expands As Border Crisis Rages

Border Patrol Makes Discovery of 20 Migrants Under a Truck’s Trailer Boards

BP Arrests Twice as Many Criminal Aliens in Six Months than All of Last Year

April 16th, 2021

Washington Post Admits Liberal Media Blew It with Overblown C*V*D Coverage
The Washington Post published an article Tuesday in which it was silently surrendered that media hysteria last spring misled people about... Read More ›
[Exposed] Federal Loophole Grants You "Universal" Concealed
Did you know that you can pick up a 'universal' concealed carry permit in under 5 minutes without ever going to a gun range? It's true as long as you live in one of THESE States. Read More ›
"Shut Your Mouth" - Maxine Waters Blasts Jim Jordan During Exchange With Fauci
Authored by Douglass Braff via,During a Thursday congressional hearing, a shouting match erupted between GOP Rep. Jim... Read More ›
Pelosi Won't Allow Vote On Dems Court-Packing Bill, Issue To Be Studied Further
During the campaign, President Joe Biden frequently evaded questions about "court packing", the practice of using a Democratically... Read More ›
"This Is Insanity": Twitter Suspends James O'Keefe Hours After CNN Exposé
A CNN Director who went on five Tinder dates with an undercover operative for Project Veritas was caught on hidden camera expressing... Read More ›
Chicago Police Release Bodycam Footage of Police Shooting Death of 13-Year-Old
Chicago police on Thursday released extremely graphic bodycam footage of a police officer shooting a 13-year-old gang banger.An unidentified... Read More ›
The FIRST Thing You Should Do When Caught In A Mass Shooting
In the light of the most recent events, I realized that many of us are not properly prepared to ensure their & their family's safety in critical and life-threatening situations. That's why I decided to share with you… Read More ›

April 16
Peter Ustinov

Peter Ustinov

Harriet Quimby
Harriet Quimby's flight across the English Channel


South Korea: Sewol sinking
2014: The South Korean ferry Sewol, traveling from Inch'ŏn to Cheju, capsized and sank, killing 304 people, most of whom were high schoolers. [Learn about seven of the world's deadliest shipwrecks.]
Virginia Tech
2007: In one of the deadliest mass shootings in the United States, 33 people, including the shooter, were killed on the Blacksburg, Virginia, campus of Virginia Tech.
Michael Jordan
2003: At age 40, Michael Jordan, widely regarded as the best player in the history of basketball, played his last game in the National Basketball Association. [ Find out if Michael Jordan tops our list of the 10 greatest basketball players of all time.]
Walter Cronkite
1962: American journalist Walter Cronkite became anchor of the CBS Evening News , a position he held for nearly two decades, during which time he became known as “the most trusted man in America.”
1948: In order to restore the economy of Europe after World War II, 16 European countries formed the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (later the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). [ Sort fact from fiction in our quiz about European history.]
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
1947: American basketball player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who won five NBA championships with the Los Angeles Lakers (1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, and 1988), was born. [How well do you know basketball player nicknames?]


The Left Wants to Silence You

Spencer Brown

The 'Russian Bounty' Story Falls Apart

Larry O'Connor

How to Start a War

Victor Davis Hanson

Biden's Fabled Bipartisanship

David Limbaugh

Dear President Biden: Don't Restrict Public Lands Access

Gabriella Hoffman

The Russian Bounty Story Erodes

Tim Graham

The Abiding Shame of 'Packing' the Supreme Court

Josh Hammer

Not Every Tragedy Is a Racial Lesson

Mona Charen

Biden Bids Farewell to a 'Forever War'

Pat Buchanan

Kristen Clarke Is Unfit to Be in Government

David Harsanyi

Workers Don't Share Democrats' Nostalgia for Unions

Michael Barone

For Our Children’s Sake, It’s High Time To Put Arrogant Public Employees In Their Place

Craig Shirley

Tribalism Breaks Our Bond With Truth

Erick Erickson

Imagine the Unthinkable

Dan Stein

Bay of Pigs Soldiers Should be Given Veteran Status

Larry Provost

Africans Deflect Biden’s Demand to End Fossil Fuel Use

Duggan Flanakin

Democrats Want to Give China America's Most Valuable Secrets

Ryan Ellis

Supreme Court Packing Plan Fulfills Power Grab Wishlist

Todd Young

Start Worrying: The Case Against The Case Against Inflation

The Issue Americans Care More About Than Coronavirus

Leah Barkoukis

BREAKING: Eight People Shot And Killed At FedEx Facility in Indianapolis

Matt Vespa

Exclusive: Rep. Jim Jordan Warns Left is After 'Pure Political Power' with Court Packing, Will Rig the System

Rebecca Downs

Biden's UN Ambassador Shamelessly Throws America Under the Bus

Rebecca Downs

Chicago Mayor Calls for Patience, Peace After Officer Involved Shooting Body Camera Footage Release

Spencer Brown

Boehner Sent a Copy of His Book to Ted Cruz. Here's Where He Put It

Rebecca Downs

You Can ALWAYS Count on Mitt Romney to Do the Wrong Thing...ALWAYS.

Matt Vespa

Bipartisan Beijing Boycott: Congressmen Call for ChiComs to Lose 2022 Olympics

Spencer Brown

Is This Why Twitter Slapped Project Veritas' James O'Keefe with a Permanent Ban?

Matt Vespa

White House Won't Directly Say If President Biden Supports Court Packing. Senator Biden Had a Different View.

Katie Pavlich

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
There's A Better Way To Improve Illinois' FOID System. Scrap It | Tom Knighton

ShotSpotter Under Scrutiny In Chicago After Police Shooting | Tom Knighton

Sen. Mike Lee Introduces Bill Easing Restrictions On Suppressors | Tom Knighton

Capitol Cop Won't Face Charges For Shooting Protestor | Tom Knighton

May Issue Carry Challenge from New Jersey Filed in Supreme Court: Russell v. New Jersey | John Petrolino

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